Comprehensive health care guide offering latest news on health & fitness trends, beauty & wellness products, and alternative health systems in India.

Types Of Edible Nuts

Not all types of nuts are edible. Steer through this article to get to know the different types of edible nuts.

How To Avoid Stress

Stress and tension has become a part of life. Agreed, but avoiding stress is necessary to maintain a normal lifestyle. Read below to get tips on how to avoid stress.

Prune Juice Benefits

The benefits of prune juice are innumerable. Navigate through this piece to learn about the different benefits of prune juice.

How To Become Taller

Everyone likes to be tall, but not everyone can get to their desired height. However, there still are ways that can help you inch closer to your desired height, find out how here!

Healthy Blood Pressure Range

Suffering from fluctuations in blood pressure levels? Read on to learn about healthy blood pressure range and the tips to maintain the same.

Muscle Inflammation

Muscle inflammation is common and can happen due to several reasons, starting from overuse of the muscle to certain autoimmune diseases. Steer through this piece of writing to learn more.

Types Of Strength

Strength is a virtue that everyone wishes for. Do you know there are many types of strength that one can attain? Read this section to get detailed info about the different kinds of strength.

Signs Of Infertility

Infertility, contrary to what most people believe, does not come unannounced. Read your way through this article for a closer look at the symptoms of infertility.

Acidosis Symptoms

Read below to know the various signs and symptoms of acidosis.

Fissured Tongue

Fissured tongue may be a benign medical condition. However, it looks ghastly and can be painful in the long run. Read this article to know more of this adversity.

How To Relieve Anxiety

Are anxiety attacks making your life a truly stressful one? Read on to know all about how to relieve anxiety. These tips would surely help you come over the stress and lead a happy, contented life.

Tips To Gain Weight

In the cat race where everyone is eyeing to lose weight, there are some who are desperate to gain a few kilos! In case you are one of those frantic, read the article for healthy tips to gain weight.

Nightmares Types

Nightmares are the perfect antithesis of dreams. Unlike dreams, nightmare causes distress and fear. Read below to know more on the different types of nightmares.

Fitness Tips For Women

Are you tired of the fads, fitness hypes, weight loss pills and false promises? Read through the fitness tips for women and follow the right path towards fitness.

Apple Fruit Facts

Did you know that the science of apple growing is called polmology? To know more interesting facts about apples, scroll down.

Infertility In Women

Infertility for a woman can be one of the most depressing things to deal with. Explore this article for an unrestricted access to the causes of infertility in women.

Signs Of Diabetes

Do you know the warning signs of diabetes? If not, navigate through this article to get to know some of the common warning signs of this condition.

Cialis Side Effects

Cialis is a popular drug that is used to deal with erectile dysfunction in men. This piece deals with some of the significant side effects of this drug. Read on to learn more.

Eyelid Swelling Treatment

Are you looking for information on eyelid swelling treatment? If yes, then here is some quick information on swollen eyelids cure for your reference.

How To Increase Endurance

The importance of building endurance is not new, especially for those who practice a regular fitness regimen or sports activity. With this article, find top tips on how to increase endurance.

Banana Fruit Facts

Bananas are known to be very nutritious and healthy. Read through this piece for some interesting facts about this wholesome fruit.

Alfalfa Benefits

The alfalfa plant is rich in vitamins and proteins that in a way helps keep various ailments at bay. Explore this article to learn more on the benefits of the alfalfa plant.

Viagra Vs Levitra

Both viagra and levitra are used to treat erectile dysfunctions; however they still are different from each other. Explore this piece for information on the differences between the two drugs.

Fitness Tips For Men

Has your best friend transformed himself from being fat to fit? Are you too waiting for that transition to occur? Read on to know about some simple physical fitness tips for men.

How To Do A Handstand

A strapping gymnast performing a handstand with great agility is a treat to watch! This write up explains how one can go about doing a handstand if one wants to learn. Explore to find out more.

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The Rise of Social Media Stars: Exploring the Phenomenon, Impact, and Future Trends

In recent years, the landscape of fame and influence has undergone a significant transformation with the emergence of social media stars.

Exploring the Richness of Padang Cuisine: A Culinary Journey Through Sumatran Flavours

Explore the vibrant flavors and rich cultural heritage of Padang cuisine. From savory rendang to fiery sambal, discover the bold spices and communal dining traditions that define Padang cuisine.

Types Of Fungi

The kingdom of fungi includes one of the most important organisms, in terms of their ecological and economical value. Check out different types of fungi.

Pros & Cons Of Alternative Energy

In today’s time and date when the world is facing depletion in the fossil fuels, using alternative energy has become imperative. In this article, we will discuss the pros & cons of alternative energy.

Thunderstorm Facts

A thunderstorm is an enigmatic phenomenon of lightning, thunder and rain or hailstorm. To know more about thunderstorms and learn some interesting facts about it, keep reading this article.

Types Of Potatoes

Potatoes are a crucial part of our diet, but little do we know that there are five thousand varieties of potatoes in the world. Find out more about different types of potatoes.

Types Of Wasps

There are more than 30,000 species of wasps existing in the world. We see them around us everyday; the insects with bright colors and frenzy in their buzzing. Check out different types of wasps.

Types of Journalism

Journalism is an absolute imperative part of the modern society; making information available equally for all. It can be broadly divided into three categories based on: beats, method & writing style.

Brunei Facts

Do you know that the private press in Brunei is owned by the royal family? Check out more such interesting & fun facts about Brunei

Email Pranks

Tired of playing the same pranks on your associates and acquaintances? Turn into an evil prankster with some funny email prank ideas, listed herein.

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