Fissured tongue may be a benign medical condition. However, it looks ghastly and can be painful in the long run. Read this article to know more of this adversity.

Fissured Tongue

We examine our tongues on several occasions. At times, while we brush our teeth, other times, just before we get going on a romantic date, and sometimes when we’re awfully bored and narcissistic. A few unfortunate ones would be dismayed to spot deep grooves varying in size and depth, on their raspberry tongues. These grooves inducing cracks are commonly described as ‘fissured’ or 'scrotal' tongue, which is a benign problem. Alternatively recognized as "scrotal tongue," "lingua plicata," "Plicated tongue,"and "furrowed tongue", a person suffering from this condition does not experience much pain or physical discomfort. However, if one dismisses a fissured tongue for too long, it may turn into a recurrent problem characterized by excruciating pain especially while chewing food. How disheartening would that be! 21% population in the world are susceptible to fissured tongues. In these unfortunate events, the tongue sheds a fraction of its top layer and subsequently reddens the entire tongue, manifesting numerous deep fissures along its tract. Learn about the causes and treatment measures for this dreadful malady that unduly targets the tongue as you scrawl down below.

Causes And Treatment Of Fissured Tongue


  • Although, there is no benchmarked cause for procuring a fissured tongue, a large possibility could be food allergies. Its anatomical position also insinuates the side effects of irritants like hot and spicy foods, tobacco and alcohol. These burn and irritate the tongue intermittently leading to swelling and recurrent pain. Usually at nights, one may be burdened with 'Acid reflux’ which pulls acid from the stomach deep into the throat and mouth, results in burning of the tongue.
  • Certain stressed out and anxious individuals have the tendency to chew on their tongue while they sleep. This inevitably damages the tongue and causes grooves. Rubbing the tongue against uneven or broken teeth also leads to furrowed tongues, a major source of pain.
  • Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome certainly isn’t identified as a common phenomenon, but if it occurs, the victim is susceptible to painful face, lips and tongue symptoms. Fissures over the tongue have proven to be a contrary effect of Melkersson-Rosenthal. Individuals inflicted with the fissures on the tongue experience a pain and inflammation due to lesions thereof.
  • A fissured tongue may be a strong indication of a yeast infection. Diabetic people too are prone to infections as opposed to the general population. Anaemia and vitamin deficiency are conditions that may serve as a catalyst to obtaining fissured tongues. Cancers or pre-cancer growths can develop in or on the tongue causing pain and swelling.
  • Orofacial granulomatosis, down syndrome and psoriasis (especially pustular psoriasis) are medical dilemmas which make victims more susceptible to developing these unsettling grooves.
  • Fissured tongue can be caused by an overgrowth of the unhealthy bacteria in the digestive tract.
  • Various studies have revealed that fissured tongues are genetic.


  • Patients should be encouraged to brush the top surface of their tongue to remove any debris that may cause irritation or infection when lodged between the grooves.
  • Doctors may administer the intra-lesional steroid injections to sober down the pain and dispersion.
  • Get your hands on some probiotics such as culturelle or acidophyllis in the capsule form. Open the capsule on your tongue and hold it there for about 10-15 seconds. Repeat this twice a day until the area has healed. After it heals, continue to just swallow the whole capsules 2 times a day.
  •  Allow your problem to be evaluated by an ear, nose and throat physician (an otorhinologist) who will readily provide you with the most reliable remedies and preventive measures.
  • Diagnosis is usually made by clinical assessment. Biopsy is seldom necessary because of its characteristic diagnostic clinical appearance. Patients should also be assessed for possible associated conditions.

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