Before you use any health product, herb or drug, it’s advisable to make yourself aware of their common side effects. In this section, check out the negative i.e. harmful effects of all the major products.

Absinthe Effects

Absinthe or green fairy, which once served as a potion for artists, has now been banned due to its alleged harmful properties. Read on to know more about its effects.

Multivitamin Side Effects

Stop taking those “wonder pills”! Read on to know about the side effects of multivitamins.

Melatonin Side Effects

Over dosage of melatonin can lead to some serious side effects, hence, a detailed knowledge about this hormonal supplement is essential. Explore this article to know the adverse effects of melatonin.

Juvederm Side Effects

Before you get worried about wrinkles on your skin and start using juvederm to get rid of them, you should consider the side effects using juvederm.

Hazards Of Radiation

The electromagnetic radioactive waves can even activate cancerous cells if the body comes in direct contact of the waves. Read on to learn more on hazards of radiation.

Cymbalta Side Effects

Cymbalta, like any other anti depressant, comes with myriad side effects. Explore this article to gain familiarity with the side effects of Cymbalta.

Prozac Side Effects

Prozac is a drug taken to counter the effects of depression. Plough through this article for valuable information on the side effects of Prozac (fluoxetine).

Petroleum Jelly Side Effects

The small jar of petroleum jelly can have many side effects. Explore this article to know more on the side effects of petroleum jelly.

Energy Drinks Side Effects

Using energy drinks for instant energy can be a quick fix solution but it comes with a lot of side effects. Read the article below to learn more on energy drinks side effects.

Tribulus Side Effects

Tribulus terrestris is a hormone boosting herbal drug that like all other steroids comes with its fair share of side effects. To know more on the adverse effects of tribulus, read on.

Ganoderma Side Effects

Ganoderma is a species of mushroom that has been widely used in traditional eastern medicine. Read the article below to know more on ganoderma side effects.

Side Effects Of Abortion

Keeping aside the ethical issues involved, abortion also poses various risks for the mother. Read the article below to know more on the side effects of abortion.

Coffee Side Effects

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee arouses your senses, but an excessive intake of the concoction can result in a slew of side effects.

Risks Of Breast Augmentation

Despite its popularity, breast augmentation has several health, cosmetic and economic risks. Read on further to know the different complications of breast implant.

Side Effects Of Methotrexate

Methotrexate is extensively used in the treatment of cancer, and certain autoimmune diseases. Read the article below to learn more on the side effects of methotrexate.

Triphala Side Effects

A beneficial and effective herb like triphala can also have adverse effects for a few people, depending upon the metabolism of their body. Read on to learn about the side effects of triphala.

Aloe Vera Juice Side Effects

Did you know that aloe vera juice have side effects too? Read more to know about aloe vera juice side effects.

Guggul Side Effects

Though a wonder drug for many, guggul has certain side effects associated with it. To get detailed information about the adverse effects of this useful herbal drug, read through the following lines.

Chia Seeds Side Effects

Chia seeds, apart from the benefits, have a host of side effects. Read the article below to know more on the chia seeds side effects.

Boswellia Side Effects

Though loaded with health benefits, Boswellia should be consumed only when prescribed, as it can lead to adverse effects otherwise. Read on to explore the side effects of Boswellia.

Asbestos Dangers

Did you know that prolonged exposure to asbestos can increase your chances of developing lung cancer? To know more on the possible health risks and dangers associated with asbestos, read on.

Licorice Root Side Effects

Though licorice root is used for culinary and medicinal purposes, excessive use can cause some side effects. Read the article to know the adverse effects of licorice root.

Harmful Effects Of Cell Phone Radiations

Cell phones function by using radiations but it can lead to serious side effects. Read the article given below to know more on the harmful effects of cell phone radiation.

Garlic Side Effects

We have grown up listening to the health benefits of garlic, without ever realizing that this valuable herb can even have some side effects as well. Read on to know the harmful effects of garlic.

Omeprazole Side Effects

Omeprazole is an effective drug for gastroesophageal reflux disease, but it can result in harmful side effects in some people.

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