Benjamin Franklin Inventions List
Read this article on Benjamin Franklin inventions to know about his unfailing selfless contribution to the society. You’ll definitely discover a lot more than you would have expected!
Artemisia Biography
Artemisia Gentileschi was one of the most important woman painters of Early Modern Europe. Read on to know about her contributions to the artistic field and interesting tidbits about her life.
Why Do Men Lie
Is it for a reason or is he a natural liar? Are you haunted with this question about the man in your life? Know that you aren't the only one. Find out top reasons as to why do men lie.
Famous Economists
The most famous economists in the world are those who have changed the dynamics of economics. Read below to learn more on the famous economists.
Famous Entrepreneurs
Almost everyone experiences entrepreneurial instincts, but only few people answer the calling successfully. Here’s throwing light on the world’s most famous entrepreneurs.
Famous Cartoonists
We all owe a lot to the cartoonists that have infused so much joy and mirth into our lives. Have a look at a few of the very famous and reputed ones.
Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman Biography
Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman was a journalist who gained fame for her investigative reports on abuses in various companies and public institutions. Read on about her contribution to journalism.
Hatshepsut Biography
Among the many rulers of ancient Egypt was the queen Hatshepsut who reigned with Thutmose III. Read on if you want to know more about her life.
Catherine The Great Biography
Intelligent and ruthless, Catherine the Great was one of the most powerful women in the world during her time. Go through the article to know about her contribution to the Russian Empire.
Joan Of Arc Biography
If you are fascinated with Saint Joan of Arc, a key figure in the French resistance against English rule and would like to know more about her, then just read this brief biography and profle.
Queen Elizabeth I Biography
A Queen who led a nation from the throes of divisiveness to world might, Elizabeth I’s life is a legend steeped as much in history as mythology.
Gail Laughlin Biography
A woman of exceptional abilities and feats, Gail Laughlin pioneered a big change in the pages of Western history. Read on to know more on her childhood, life and timeline in this brief profile.

Alva Myrdal Biography
Here is an interesting peep into the life and times of Alva Myrdal, a Swedish sociologist and politician. Read on to know about her contribution towards the betterment of society.

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Biography
The long and eventful life of Eleanor Roosevelt is marked with experiences and actions that altered the course of her life and history. Read on to explore her childhood, life and timeline.

Ruth Handler Biography
Dynamic personality and a successful entrepreneur, Ruth Handler’s life is an inspiration for aspiring businessmen & marketing executives. Find out information on Ruth Handler’s life in this profile.

Maria Montessori Biography
The founder of Montessori Method of Education, Maria Montessori is a name that is given a high esteem in the educational sphere. Read this profile to explore her childhood, life and timeline.

Florence Nightingale Biography
Nightingale is celebrated for laying down the foundation of modern day professional nursing. Read on Florence Nightingale’s profile to know about her childhood, life and timeline.

Lucy Stone Biography
An abolitionist, a suffragist, a reformer and a woman of great strengths, Lucy Stone was one of the key figures of the 19th century. Read this profile to explore her childhood, life and timeline.

Elizabeth Blackwell Biography
A pioneering women rights activist, Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman doctor of New York. Read on the profile and explore the childhood, life and timeline of Elizabeth Blackwell

Dorothy Crowfoot Biography
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin was a dynamic woman, who with her scientific skills & bewitching intellect, led many useful researches. Read on the biography to learn about her childhood, life and timeline.

Elizabeth Arden Biography
Elizabeth Arden, an unparalleled brand name in the world of cosmetics, pioneered a revolutionizing change in the way women decked up. Read this profile to explore her childhood, life and timeline.

Amelia Earhart Biography
Amelia Earhart was more than just a celebrated woman aviator. She was also a blazing feminist and an independent minded spirit. Read on to know more about Amelia Earhart.

Abigail Adams Biography
Abigail Adams, second First Lady to grace America, was a woman of exceptional forte. Read this profile to explore her childhood, life and timeline.
Hans Christian Andersen Biography
Hans Christian Andersen is a name almost synonymous to much adored and literary feted fairy tales. Read this profile to explore his childhood, literary career and timeline.
Famous Short People
Height has never been a pre-requisite for success, which has more to do with genius and talent. Read the article to know about some famous/popular short people in history.