Rushing to the doctor every time your head spins around due to blood pressure can be tiresome. Sometimes, it is practically not possible. In such situations, what should one possibly do? If you are wondering of an alternative and making things easier for yourself, then you are in for some good news. Checking your blood pressure at home is very much possible and is also very convenient. You may use it according to the number of times you get it checked at the doctor’s clinic. Also, don’t forget to keep a regular record of readings on different dates, so that it is easier for the doctor to consult in case of a medical emergency. The normal blood pressure is 120/80. Diabetics and those suffering from high blood pressure usually aim at 130/80.
How to Check
- You may buy the blood pressure checking gauge and stethoscope from a medical store. Learn how to check it from a professional. It will be helpful if you have someone else in your family also learn it, in order to use in an emergency. Get the gauge checked once every year at your doctor’s office by tallying your monitor with the one over there.
- An easier option than this is to go in for the digital blood pressure monitors that are available these days. They are very easy to use and give accurate results. Another advantage of buying a digital monitor is that you don’t require a stethoscope for it.
- You may also buy a monitor that measures your heart rate as well along with your blood pressure. Some latest ones have the ability to store your results, just in case you don’t have the facility to note it down somewhere.
Keep in Mind…
There are certain things that you need to keep in mind before checking your blood pressure.
- Sit in a comfortable place, with your arms held out and supported at heart level.
- It is advisable not to smoke or drink caffeinated beverages at least 30 minutes before checking your blood pressure.
- You need to relax for five minutes before checking the pressure.
- The measurement cuff must fit comfortably around your arm. It should not be too tight or too loose.
- It is advisable to take two or more readings, around two minutes apart, and then average those results.