Wondering how to whip cream for that delicious cake? Check out this recipe for homemade whipped cream.

How To Make Whipped Cream

You invested a lot of time, energy and patience in preparing that yummy-looking chocolate cake. It sure looks inviting, but something looks amiss. Yes, you got that right! It is nothing, but whipped cream. You usually get readymade cream in the stores, but how often do you whip it nicely and then use on the cake? Hardly, right! The light and foamy texture of whipped cream goes a long way in adding taste to any recipe. And when it is a cake, you can be sure that the taste will get enhanced manifold. In case you want some help on how to make whipped cream, the following lines sill surely prove handy.
Homemade Whipped Cream Recipe
Recipe 1
You Need:
  • Flavoring (like vanilla essence)
  • Heavy Whipping Cream
  • Stainless Steel Mixing Bowl
  • Wire Whisk 
  • Take a clean and dry stainless steel bowl and keep it inside the freezer to chill it for around 15-20 minutes. Keep the cream also inside along with the bowl, just to chill it. Do not freeze it. The cream is usually easier to whip when it is cold.
  • Take out the bowl and put the cream in it. Start whisking with the wire whisk, holding it like a dagger, with the wire pointing down. To avoid getting a shoulder pain, you must not use your shoulder to whisk the cream, rather, just use your wrist and hand.
  • Start whisking the cream in slow circular motions, holding the whisk at a slanted angle. As and when the cream starts to get a foamy and creamier appearance, increase your speed of whisking. Keep switching between circular and straight movements. Put 2-3 drops of vanilla essence or any other flavoring of your personal choice to get a soothing smell.
  • Whipping a cup of cream should not take more than 5-7 minutes. You need to decide where you want to use the cream. If using it for dessert or cake toppings, stop whisking as soon as it becomes light and foamy. For cake frosting or mousse, let it become stiffer resembling a paste. 
Recipe 2
You Need:
  • 1 pint Cream
  • 1/3 cup Sugar
  • 1/2 pinch Salt
  • 1 drop Vanilla Extract
  • Wire Whisk or Beater 
  • Take a small bowl and pour 1/2 pint of heavy cream in it.
  • Add 1 drop of vanilla extract to the cream and mix well.
  • Stir in /3 cup sugar and a tiny pinch of salt.
  • Making use of a wire whisk or electric beater, start beating the cream.
  • If you want to use the cream for topping cakes or along with dessert, stop beating when it becomes light and foamy.
  • If you intend to use the cream as caking frosting, you will have to keep on beating till stiff peaks start forming.
  • After your whipped cream is ready, chill it in the fridge and use.

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