Making a volcano model is quite an easy craft that can be done by children at home. Learn how to make a volcano.

How To Make A Volcano

Have you always been fascinated by volcanoes? Do the huge mountains spiting out smoke, ash and liquid fire, which seem to be nature’s most furious acts, mesmerize you no end? Then, why don't you make a volcano of your own! Yes, making a volcano model at home is surely possible. It is a sure shot way to pass time on lazy holiday afternoons and can also be used to teach children a thing or two about the power of nature. Many schools give volcano models and crafts as science projects as well and parents are the one who usually wonder as to how to go about making this thing! Now, stop worrying! Rather, read on and find easy instructions on how to make a volcano!
Making A Volcano Model At Home
Supplies Needed 
  • Baking soda
  • Brushes
  • Clear Sealant
  • 2-liter Bottle, empty
  • Glue
  • Liquid Dish Soap
  • Newspaper
  • Paper-Mache Paste or Salt Dough or Plaster
  • Plywood Sheet
  • Red Food Coloring
  • Spray or Acrylic Paints
  • White Vinegar 
  • The ground (base) of the volcano is to be made with the sheet of plywood, which should be atleast 8 inches longer and wider than the perimeter of the volcano you want to make. This is to prevent the lava from flowing out of the base and spoiling surroundings.
  • Now is the time to make the mountain, using paper mache or dough or plaster. For this, you will have to place an empty bottle, without the lid, right at the center of the plywood sheet. If you feel that it may topple over, apply some glue at its bottom, to ensure that it stays in place.
  • Next, form the mouth of the volcano, by surrounding the mouth of the bottle with Paper Mache or dough or plaster. Start building the mountain from the mouth and slowly come down to the base, forming a slope. Make an undulated mountain, so that the lava has to go through ups and downs before reaching the base.
  • Make sure that the plaster dries off completely before you begin painting it with acrylics. Spray paint is another option which you can employ to color your mountain. Use browns with patches of gray and greens. For artificial trees, use aquarium plants and stick them here and there. You can also use gravel and sand that you may find in the garden near your house, to line up the base of the mountain.
  • Now, mix one tbsp. baking soda, 1 tbsp. liquid dish washing soap and 2-3 drops of red food color, in a small cup. Place this mixture inside the mountain, through the opening at the top. Make sure you don’t spill it all inside! Your volcano is almost ready.
  • The volcano should preferably be placed in an open area where, even if it spews out, it won’t really spoil anything. Now, carefully pour a bit of white vinegar into the mouth of the volcano and stand back. Your volcano will explode and spew lava in next to no time!

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