Butterfly kites look the prettiest when in the skies, but making a butterfly kite is no simple task. Read on to know how to make a butterfly kite.

How To Make A Butterfly Kite

Flying a kite is a fun and testing activity. It takes dollops of skill and proficiency to fly a kite. It’s an art, and can take a considerable amount of time to master. All over the world, there are different kinds of kites; they differ in size, color and design. Amongst all these varieties, the ‘Butterfly Kite’ is a well known and a much loved kite. Learning to fly this kite is one thing, and making the kite is another thing. Sometimes, it helps to learn not only how to fly a butterfly kite, but also how to make one. There are a myriad butterfly kite designs, and learning how to make one requires patience and an eye for detail. However, the best part is this, if you’re really yearning to learn how to put a butterfly kite together, it really doesn’t take much. It can be pulled off by anyone, take a step, read on to know how to make a simplified version of the butterfly kite.
Making A Butterfly Kite
Materials Required
  • A Ruler
  • A Protractor
  • Magic markers
  • Tape
  • Pins
  • Bamboo skewers
  • Kite string
  • 8.5 x 11 inch paper
  • 30 inches crepe paper
  • Get the paper and fold it into half, just like you would fold a greeting card. Now, unfold your paper and use the ruler to draw lines on the fold lines you see on the paper. You’ve got to draw the lines with the magic marker. The lines should be straight and visible too.
  • You’ll need your protractor for this step, take it out and place it on the left of the line at the bottom of the paper. At a 70-degree angle, draw out a straight line with your magic marker. Then, place your protractor to the right of the middle line on the paper and draw out a straight line at a 100-degree angle. Take a good look at the lines you’ve drawn; they should be mirror images of each other.
  • Now, draw the left half of the butterfly on the left-hand side of the paper. The line angled at 70 degrees should cut through the middle of the butterfly. The half should be around 8.5 inches tall and 5 inches wide. Repeat this step on the other side of the paper and fold your paper in half. The butterfly that you’ve drawn should appear on the outside of the paper and each wing of the butterfly should be folded towards the paper. The two ends of the butterfly should touch each other and you should have a fold of uncolored paper in your hand.
  • This is the tricky part, with care and caution proceed to turn the kite over and tape it together. Then get your bamboo skewer and place it across the top of the back part of the butterfly and stick together. Once you’ve done this, turn the kite over and push a pin into the smaller end of the kite’s fold. The hole formed should be small and neat. Use tape all around the hole, this will prevent it from tearing.
  • You’re almost done now, get your string and thread it through the hole of your kite. Knot the string too. The crepe paper can be taped to the bottom of the kite to make the tail of the kite. Your kite is now ready, take it out, and fly it.

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