Kitchen hutch mainly serves as storage space, but can be used for serving food as well. Know about the different types of kitchen hutches.

Kitchen Hutch

When you look at it, a kitchen might seem to be a place with only a few items within it. However, as you delve deeper, you will find that there are so many things in a kitchen, right from electrical appliances to utensils to cutlery; that the storage space always seems to be running short. It is at this particular point where a kitchen hutch comes into picture. It is basically a large cabinet, usually made of wood, which is used for storage purposes. At times, a kitchen hutch might also be used to showcase keepsakes or china and even as a place to serve food. There are mainly three types of hutches - buffet hutch, kitchen hutch and china hutch, each serving a different purpose.
Types of Kitchen Hutch
Buffet Hutch
Simplest of the three main hutches, a buffet hutch mainly comprises of a short cabinet that has a flat top, beneath which are a few shelves. The top is used for serving food, tea, or coffee and can be adorned with a bowl of fruit. The cabinet beneath the top has doors, either of solid wood or a combination or wood and glass. There might be a large drawer that sits above the shelves and below the flap top, used for storing cutlery. In the usual cases, a buffet hutch has wheels that allow it to be moved from one place to another.
Kitchen Hutch
The basic design of a kitchen is very much like a buffet hutch, only it has a number of shelves above the flat top, but is devoid of wheels. It is quite high and cannot be moved from one place to another too easily. The flat space between the upper and lower shelves can be used for decorative as well as storage purposes. A kitchen hutch has upper shelves either without doors or with glass doors. They are wide enough apart to store unusual items, such as raised cake plates, and can even be used for keeping food out of the way.
China Hutch
A China hutch is the largest as well as widest amongst all the kitchen hutches and has shelves divided into two parts. The upper shelves of this hutch always have wooden doors, with glass panes. They are mainly used for displaying china. These shelves are usually made of glass and can be lighted as well. The lowest row of cabinets has solid wood doors and is used for staring other items, such as utensils, cutlery, etc. There might be drawers in the lower section of china hutch, which can be used to store silverware or folded tablecloths.
Buying Kitchen Hutch
If you want to purchase a kitchen hutch, make sure to keep the following points in mind. 
  • First, you will have to decide on the type as well as the number of items that you need to store. This will determine the size of the kitchen hutch as well as material that has to be used for it.
  • If you want a classy appeal for your kitchen hutch, it is better to go for wood and that too, oak. On the other hand, glass hutch would work well if it’s the contemporary look you are aspiring for.
  • Always make sure that the hutch goes with the décor of the room you are putting it in, whether kitchen or dining room.
  • Space is another factor that you need to take into consideration. It will determine the size of the hutch as well as its style, as in center hutch or corner hutch.

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