Ethnography is one of the sciences of anthropology and sociology. This science basically involves the research of human societies and cultures. As such, it involves the study of people, and ethnic groups and their various aspects. In this, the researcher has to live in the community as a part of the study, so that he/she gets a thorough understanding of the material and spiritual culture of the people under study. In ethnography, the research project may take years to complete. The data is collected through the researcher’s observation, interviews, questionnaires and other such methods, so that the ethnos of the community can be described through writing. While compiling the research paper or case-study, the data collected can be either descriptive or interpretative. The paper should include all the aspects of life of the community such as the daily life, rituals and various other aspects. Once you conclude your research, you should present your findings in a report, but to do that you need to first know how to write one. Read the article given below for tips on writing ethnography.
Tips On Writing Ethnography
Chapter One - Introduction
First start off with an introduction. The introduction should be the lead of the study and you should discuss what your study seeks to achieve. Basically, the introduction should be the frame of the research.
You should provide information on the problem that you are addressing through the study and give reasons as to why you think that such a study is necessary.
You should also briefly discuss what else has been done in this area and what has been left out. Then write a paragraph on your contribution and how you are going to present it.
Finally, end the introduction by mentioning what information you will be including in the study.
Chapter Two - Methodology
After the introduction, write a chapter on how you conducted your research. You should give a description on how you executed the proposal along with the overall design of the project.
Then discuss the main influence of your approach and why you consider it.
Give information of the number of participants of your study, along with their age, gender and the like. You should also give a description on their general background.
Now you should state your reasons for choosing those particular participants. Also, describe the process in which you selected them.
Mention the various methods that you have used in your study and also why you have used those methods. Here you should also write why you think that the methods that you have employed are better than other methods.
Write how your worldview and experiences influence the study.
Chapter Three - Data Presentation And Analysis
Here you should present your findings from the fieldwork.
First present the data that you have collected. Once the data has been listed, analyze and interpret the data to give it a meaning. Note down any pattern and discrepancies in the data.
Jot down an explanation on why you preferred to present that particular information, while other information has been left unexplored.
Use specific examples from the data to support and develop the main points of your research.
Make sure you structure the data in such a way that the data and the interpretation together make sense within its context.
Chapter Four - Conclusion
In this chapter you should discuss how and what your study has contributed and what else remains to be done.
You should also write whether further discussion is required and the various questions that have arisen, but have remained unanswered.
Lastly, mention how this study is going to help in further research.