Writing an effective conclusion for essay works to ensure that your point is well taken. Read the article to know some wonderful tips for writing an effective concluding paragraph.

How To Write Conclusion Paragraph

The conclusion of an essay or thesis refers to its closing lines. After the introduction, conclusion is considered to be the second most important part of the essay. No matter how brilliant the body of the text is, all is lost without an effective ending to support the main argument. With the lack of an effective conclusion, it will be very difficult to find buyers for your perspective. Hence, backing up your essay with an effective and strongly worded conclusion has to be there. Very few writers have been able to master the art of writing a powerful conclusion, though it is not as difficult as it may have begun to sound by now. In case you are wondering how to write an effective conclusion paragraph, follow the article for some valuable tips on the same.
Writing An Effective Conclusion For Essay
  • In the conclusion paragraph, you need to sum up the argument made in the essay. A brief summary of your main points will also make for an effective conclusion. However, one should avoid detailing in the conclusion, as it has to be crisp and precise, intended to give a suitable end to the essay.
  • The conclusion should always be thoughtful, rather than being a mere repetition of the points made earlier. While you are allowed to briefly mention the main points of the essay, the conclusion should lead towards something concrete. For instance, if your essay discusses a prevalent social evil, the conclusion should offer potential solutions to the problem. The conclusion can also be a general comment over the subject of your essay.
  • You can use the first two lines of the conclusion to restate the thesis. This reminds the reader the main focus of the essay and will impart a structure to what you have written. The first two lines can be followed by your perspective or comments on the issue. The reader should be able to relate the conclusion with the introduction and vice-versa.
  • Depending on the subject of the essay, you may make a light-hearted or solemn and insightful observation. However, a serious topic such as global climate change should be dealt with equal seriousness, by ending up with a profound insight in the conclusion.
  • Ending on a personal note or adding a relevant quote is a great idea. However, you need to make sure that the quote is not out of context and fits with the subject well. Quotes convey the point across in a rather impressive manner. You can also end on a personal note by writing, “in my opinion…”
  • Make sure that the conclusion is not too long. An effective conclusion is always precise and to-the-point. One paragraph is sufficient for concluding the essay, irrespective of the topic. Around 5-6 lines is the ideal length, though you may increase 1-2 lines when it’s absolutely unavoidable.  
  • Take care not to include the word “conclusion” or begin with "In conclusion", while writing the final lines of the essay. It is something that is obvious and you need not state the same in words.

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