Learn how to remove makeup using homemade make up removers.

How To Remove Makeup

Removing makeup demands as much time and attention as does its application. Infact, at times, the former takes much more time, since even the slightest trace of makeup on your skin can lead to pimples. This is especially true if you happen to sleep with the makeup not fully removed.  If you want to make sure that your skin remains clean and soft even after applying loads of makeup, you will have to take due care while removing it. To help you with this task, we have provided the complete procedure that will tell you how to remove makeup.
Image: rileyroxx@flickr
Removing Makeup
Follow the instructions given below for removing makeup in the best and the easiest way.
Items Needed
  • Cotton Swabs
  • Eye Makeup Remover
  • Cleansing Milk
  • Makeup Remover/Cleanser (face wash)
  • Towel
  • Moisturizer 
  • First thing you will have to do for removing makeup is to secure you hair tightly, so that they don’t fall on your face. For this, you can either use a rubber band, if your hair is long, or a hair band, if your hair is short.
  • Now let us come to wiping off your makeup. Concentrate on the eyes first. Take a cotton swab and dab it with eye makeup remover. Gently wipe each eye with the cotton, till the makeup dissolves completely.
  • Now is the turn of your face. Take another cotton swab and dab it with cleansing milk. Wipe you face with it, avoiding the eye area, till the time the makeup comes off.
  • Wash you face with lukewarm water. Take the makeup remover or cleanser and put a dollop on your palm.
  • Rub your hands together, to generate lather. Now, apply this lather all over the face, again avoiding the eye area. Keep rubbing it gently all over your face for around one minute.
  • Rinse off the lather with water. Splash your face with water a number of times, to make sure that no traces of makeup and lather are left.
  • Gently pat your face dry with a soft towel. Do not rub.
  • Lastly apply moisturizer on your face and massage it gently, atleast for a minute. 
Removing Eye Makeup
For removing eye makeup, make sure to use a makeup remover that is especially made for the eyes. This is because eyes are very sensitive. The cleanser/remover that you use for removing face make up might be too harsh on them. You can also use petroleum jelly or baby oil for removing eye makeup.
Removing Lip Makeup
For removing lipstick or lip liner, use cold cream. Take a cotton swab and put a little cold cream on it. Now, softly rub the cotton over your lips. After wiping off the lipstick, make sure to apply moisturizer over your lips. This will help in keeping them soft and conditioned.
Using Homemade Makeup Removers
You can use the following home products, instead of buying makeup removers from market, for wiping off the makeup:
  • Cucumber Juice
  • Coconut Water
  • Raw Milk
  • Milk Cream (not recommended for oily skin)
  • Plain Yoghurt (Curd)
  • A solution of 1 tbsp castor oil, 1 tbsp light olive oil and 2 tsp Canola oil (for removing eye makeup)
  • Solution of honey and rose water.

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