It is often said that “the eyes are the reflection or the mirror of one’s soul”. It is through our eyes that we take a dip into the vast future and engulf in the beauty of the world in all its majesty and uniqueness. Our dreams, our imagination and our wishes - everything is reflected in our eyes. Many a times, people are judged and evaluated through the medium of eyes. Hence, it is very essential to be happy and contented from within, as this will mirror your personality and character. Apart from that, you can also take conscious efforts to make your eyes look bright and attractive. To help you in the process, the innumerous products and cosmetic lines launched by different cosmetic brands will prove to be of help. Whether it is the herbal products that you are looking for or the high professional ones, you can select your own beauty products, depending on your skin type and your budget. Among the many cosmetic brands, the ones that stand out are Elizabeth Arden, Laura Mercier, Lancome and Revlon. Given below are some simple tips on how you can get sultry and bright eyes, with the help of makeup.

Image: pumpkincat210@flickr
Makeup Tips For Brighter Eyes
- Highlighting your eyes is very essential to draw attention towards them and give them the ‘oomph’ factor. Whether it is for your daily use for any other occasion, eyeliners and eye pencils give a definite shape to your eyes and make them look bright and vibrant. Although the traditional shade of eyeliners is pure black or variations of the same, today, the cosmetic market has launched a wide variety of other shades and colors as well. To make your eyes appear larger, you can use white liners along the inner rims of your eyes, both on your upper and lower sides. Deep navy blue liner also helps give definition to eyes.
- Believe it or not, eyelashes can make or mar your entire appearance. They give the finishing touch to a polished eye make-up and make you get that instant gorgeous look. Now, who wouldn’t want to have long and beautiful curly eyelashes? For night parties and such other occasions, you can easily don a pair of artificial eyelashes to get an instant volume. However, for daytime and regular events, you can use a good, lengthening mascara. Using mascara is quite simple and it will make your eyes look bigger and brighter. Start off with the base of the lashes and work up all the way to the tips, emphasizing more on the outer portion of the lashes.
- Another trick to get an instant facelift is by using eye shadows over the eyelids and around the corners of the eyes. Right from pastel colors to shimmery shades, eye shadows can make any dull looking face brighter and more alert.
- A well-defined eyebrow is equally important to get that “perfect” eye look. Inverted V, flat shape, rounded - you can select the shape, depending on your facial features and your personal preferences. In case, your eyebrows are too thin, you can use a highlighter to give them a good shape.
- You can also consider investing on a good eye cream to overcome problems like dark circles, wrinkles and signs of ageing. Apart from this, night creams also help make your eyes more supple and refreshed.
- In case you have a dull eye color and want to try something exciting, consider using colored eye lens or contact lens. They come in different shades and can give a different look to your eyes.
- Ensure that you get ample of sleep and are not too tired or overworked. Exhaustion and weariness are often manifested in the form of dark circles and puffiness around the eyes.