Amaranth is a light brown grain that is extremely good for your health. Browse your way through this article for helpful instructions on how to cook amaranth.

How To Cook Amaranth

Amaranth is a grain that is native to South America and parts of Asia. It is basically a light brown seed that owes its loyalties to the amaranth plant. Amaranth is best had when cooked like rice. It is more often than not eaten like a creamy side dish. However, the fact still remains that there is a very distinct procedure that can help you get to a well-cooked bowl of amaranth grains. It’s easy to tell if the grain is cooked well. If the dish of amaranth looks creamy and sticky, it is probably cooked. However, if the dish looks grainy and coarse, you can take it for granted that the dish is uncooked. Make a premeditated move and read on to uncover step-by-step instructions on how to cook amaranth. Following the instructions that are to follow is what will help you arrive at a bowlful of well-cooked and ready to eat amaranth grains.

Amaranth Recipe

You Will Need

  • A cup of Amaranth grains (195g)
  • 3 cups Water
  • A Saucepan
  • ½ tsp Salt 
  • Amaranth is a grain that needs to be cooked carefully. You cannot afford to be careless when going about the whole process of cooking amaranth. Expert timing and an eye for detail is what matters most here.
  • Start off the procedure of cooking amaranth by pouring a cup of amaranth grains into a saucepan. For best results with the whole procedure of cooking amaranth, it is advisable to use a medium sized saucepan, as opposed to using a saucepan that is too large or too small.
  • Once you have poured a cup of amaranth grain into the saucepan, and the right one at that, you can go ahead and add three cups of water to the saucepan. Now go ahead and place the saucepan on top of your stove.
  • Before you initiate the cooking process, or in other words, turn on the heat, you will have to add just about half a teaspoon of salt to the saucepan. Stir in the salt and then turn on your stove. To ensure that everything goes on well, turn your flame to high and heat the amaranth and water mixture until the same begins to boil. Don’t make the mistake of covering the saucepan here. It is best for the mixture to arrive at its boiling point when the saucepan is left uncovered.
  • Once you notice that the amaranth mixture has arrived at its boiling point, go right ahead or be quick to turn the heat down the heat to low. This should be done right after you notice that the water has begun to boil.
  • Once the water has boiled and that the flame has been lowered, the time to place a lid on the saucepan has arrived and you can go ahead and do just that. The lid you place on the saucepan should be of just the right size. In other words, it should be a perfect fit for the saucepan.
  • Now that you have covered the saucepan with the lid, to ensure that the amaranth grain cooks you will have to cook the same for around twenty five minutes or half an hour.
  • Once the stipulated time is done with, go ahead and remove the lid and look closely at the grain. The best way to find out if the amaranth is cooked is to check for the water. If the grains have absorbed all the water, it only means that the amaranth is cooked. Once you are sure about this, turn off the heat and put the lid back on the saucepan.
  • Now, let the saucepan stay covered for around ten minutes or so. This will help all of the excess moisture distribute itself evenly amongst the grains. Once the ten minutes pass on, remove the lid and stir the amaranth grains well. For enhanced taste, serve the amaranth warm and not cold!

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