Having a haircut is always an exciting affair. Haircut not only chips off the bad hair and infuses life into the dull lusterless strands, but also lends the person undergoing the same a brand new look. It helps in breaking the monotony of the look and makes the person more attractive. A nice haircut enhances your personality and gives depth to it. But does all this hold true only for those with manageable locks? The answer is ‘absolutely no’. People with frizzy hair also deserve a trendy haircut to save their day from the shams of unruly and out-of-control hair. But, most often, those with frizzy hair get confused as to which hairstyle to go with. Frizzy hair is very difficult to maintain and leads to split ends, which causes roughness. It gives a very shabby and unmanaged look. But, did you know that frizzy hair, too, can look awesome, if nicely cut? There are some fabulous haircuts for frizzy hair which can make you look great. Check out the next section and give yourself a face lift with these hairstyles.

Best Haircuts For Frizzy Hair
For Women
Pixie Cut
This style is basically for women with short hair. In this hairstyle, the hair at the back and the sides is short, while hair at the top of the head is longer. Pixie cut gives a slant feel to the hair. Easy to maintain and care, this hairstyle looks very stylish and gives an elegant look to the person. Pixie cut has become a major style statement in the recent days.
Channel Cut
This haircut gives a stylish and clean look. The hair is cut by sliding the slightly open shears along the length of a particular segment of the hair. It helps in removing the bulk of frizzy hair. As the bulk of hair is removed, the hair look more managed. It looks great on any face shape and totally covers the problem of frizzy hair.
Bob Cut
There are a variety of bob cuts available today such as classic, asymmetrical, retro, etc. In retro, the hair at the crown head are short and gently curls on forehead covering a very small part of it. Asymmetrical bob is more feminine. It starts from the same length at the nape of the neck and goes towards the chin.
For Men
Crew Cut
This makes a person look trendy and chic. Due to its requirement for least maintenance, the hairstyle is much in vogue. In this cut, the front hair is longer and as you move at the back the hair become shorter in length. The side hair is generally very short.
Military Cut
It’s very comfortable and requires minimal care. The hair is trimmed very short in length from all the sides. The length of the hair is only about some centimeters. It is mostly done by the people in army, which explains as to why is it so called. This haircut is popular among boys who do not feel like spending too much time in front of the mirror, yet do not want to compromise a trendy and clean look.
Faux Hawk
In this style, both sides of the head are shaved leaving some strands of the hair longer at the middle of the head. This is a very uneven cut and is mostly preferred by those men who want to break the monotony of men hairstyle. It looks trendy and unique. Usually men associated with rock band have this style.
Additional Tips
- You should use the shampoo and conditioner according to the need of the hair. Frizzy hair is generally dry and has split ends. Nowadays, shampoos especially meant for frizzy hair are also available in the market. Select one that suits your need.
- Provide regular nourishment to frizzy hair by deep conditioning from time to time. Go for hair mask, especially meant for frizzy hair.
- Do regular hot oil massage 2-3 times in a week.
- Resort to home remedies for treating and conditioning your hair
Now that you have a lot of haircut options to explore for styling your frizzy hair, what are you waiting for? Go, get one and be the diva you always to be!