Have you ever been a victim of a dark upper lip? Most women have – owing to certain ‘grooming’ practices they follow after reaching a certain age. Waxing, threading, upper lip hair and facials are some of the causes. It is unfortunate that sometimes, genetically, a woman grows a lot of hair over her upper lip, making her feel a little less appealing. Medically speaking, this is a condition called melasma (malfunction of melanin producing cells). Dark pigmentation of the skin, mostly lips (in this case, upper lip), can also be caused by excessive smoking. Other causes of a dark upper lip could be overexposure to the sun, ageing, reaction to cosmetics, allergic reasons, hormonal imbalance etc. Most commonly, women between the ages of 20 to 40 develop this problem and it usually develops over a period of time. For all these women, help is at hand. Read the following section to get tips that will help you get that glowing complexion back! Read on for some effective tips on getting rid of the dark upper lip!

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Upper Lip Discoloration
- Melasma
- Ageing
- Hair Removal Methods
- Cosmetics
- Allergies, UV rays
- Hormonal Imbalances
Remedies For Upper Lip Discoloration
- You need a face mask that lightens the skin. Mix 2 tsp of gram flour, a pinch of turmeric, a few drops of lemon juice and a bit of milk cream. Apply this on your face and let it dry for a while and then rinse off with water. Other ingredients function as natural bleach while the milk cream keeps your skin smooth.
- Scrubs made up of rice powder and yoghurt make good exfoliating agents. Exfoliation removes the dead cells from the surface leaving behind a clear looking skin. Rub this on the dark area twice a day and wash off.
- Research has shown that lime juice and honey are the best ways to lighten your hair and skin. For positive results, mix the two in 2:1 proportion and apply on the upper lip skin. Sometimes, even glycerin can be added. Apply for several weeks, before expecting any results!
- Sunscreen lotions are effective whether you have a dark skin on you upper lip or otherwise. Whenever you go out in the sun, make sure you have perfectly kissable sunscreen lips! This might not be the cure but it keeps the upper lip from getting further pigmented.
- Cucumber juice is known for the over bleaching effects it has on the skin and also for its soothing properties. It might just work for you! Mix with a little lime juice and apply for about 15min before washing off.
- Tanning may also be one of the causes of dark upper lips. For this purpose, whisk together 1tbsp oatmeal, 1tsp curd, 1 tsp honey and one egg white. Apply the entire mixture on the face (if you apply only on upper lip, there might be a colour difference later!), let it dry and wash off with lukewarm water.
- Almond is known to be excellent for the skin since it acts as natural exfoliator. Apply almond oil or, better still, almond milk on the top part of your lips and let it sit for an hour before washing it off. Make sure you do it for atleast 2 to 3 weeks to see results.
- Juices of many other vegetables and fruits can also help in some lightening. Beetroots, pomegranates and coriander are some of them. You can even apply the juice several times a day.
One of these treatments is sure to work. But, avoid chemicals, waxing/threading and smoking if those are the causes!