With the party season here, maybe it is time to spin your make up closet, upgrade your style, and even go a little over the top with your lush lashes. If you are one of those lash-obsessed ladies, you probably know the killer impact of super voluminous, ultra sexy and flirty looking lashes. With the entire world going max with their peepers, there is little stopping you from turning heads with your ultra big lashes. However, before you primp up your peepers with a voluminous swipe, know that it takes more than a tube of mascara to get those drool-worthy lashes. Most people tend to go overboard with their swipes at times in their effort to achieve super thick and super long lashes. Result- clumped and even smudged peepers, which is a huge turn-off. To save yourself from these beauty bloopers and flaunt your favorite look, all you need to do is to fall back on the basics on and pull off a striking look. Here is more on how to draw extra mileage out of your lashes without going down and low on mascara. Check out these mascara makeup tips and be a showstopper with your ultra seductive lashes.

Image: johnhope14@flickr
Tips On Applying Mascara
Whether you prefer super-long, super-thick lashes or just need to pull off a “sweet seductress” look, you can transform your peepers into gorgeous super poppers in just a flash with some tinted mascara. Although, the classic back is more of a rage, you can always coat your lashes with some exciting grey, blue and brown for a more seductive appeal. However, if you lust for a sexy, smokey look, then au black is the way to go!
Neutral or tinted, always make sure that your mascara hue flatters your lashes. Picking the right tube of tinted mascara can turn your boring peepers from flirty to feisty to even “badass beauty”. While black complements almost all skin tones, it doesn’t really look flattering on people with light-colored lashes. So make sure you do not goof up while picking your hue. Blonde-haired people and redheads can do well with brown mascara instead of classic black to avoid “fashion faux-pas”.
Another important thing to consider while picking your mascara is that it should flatter your hair color. If you dig for a summery, au neutral kind of a look, then going for darker hued mascara that accentuates your hair and skin tone should make your peepers stand out and make you look hot at any hour.
While most people would go for a long wand to swipe their lashes, know that a shorter wand is any day a better option than the longer ones. Short, thin brushes can reach out easily to the corner lashes and can also save you from those ugly smudges. Also, always go for bended brushes as they tend to fit in the curve of the eye line and give a better finish.
If you really wish to forego that not-so-happening make-up meltdown, then don’t forget to wear waterproof mascara for a perfect look all day long. Also, if you dig for thick, dramatic, voluminous, luscious lashes, then opting for thickening mascara should leave you with that killer-hot look. However, if length is what you wish to add to your limp lashes, then swiping your lids with some lash defining, lengthening mascara should turn you lashes into a real showstopper.
Buy it or not, most people go wrong when it comes to applying mascara in the right way. If you really lust for superhot, sexy peepers, then swiping your lashes from bottom to the tips should leave you with stunning effects. Hold the tip of the wand under your lashes and wiggle the brush from the roots to the ends using a quick sweep. Comb out the excess mascara to avoid clumps and ugly build-ups.
Whether you are digging for fun-feisty lashes for a perfect girl’s-night-out or sultry-seductive peepers for your dream date, these mascara makeup tips should get you going in no time.