It is true that “beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder”, but it also makes sense that you don’t leave everything to the ‘eyes of the beholder’. Therefore, everyone tries one's best to look beautiful. In the process, some succeed, while others overdo their beauty regimen so much so that the efforts fall flat. When it comes to looking beautiful, it is the state and health of the skin that perhaps contributes the most. Dull and wrinkled skin will only be the calendar of your age. In these times of pollution, faulty diet and lack of any physical activity, the body suffers from stress and lifestyle diseases. And whatever the body suffers from gets highlighted by the skin. This is the reason as to why people, these days, who have just entered their 40s develop the skin type of 60s. As such, it has become imperative that people start caring about their skin from the earliest, if they wish for beautiful skin. And though what many people may think otherwise, beautiful skin is not the fiefdom of models and celebrities whose skin health is kept in shape with the help of expensive cosmetics. There are many methods to nourish the skin and keep it in top condition. Just take heed to the various tips given below and you are sure to get beautiful skin. Continue reading to know more on how you can get beautiful skin.

Image: tommerton2010@flickr
Beautiful Skin Care Tips
To keep the skin complexion clear and healthy, mix equal parts of rose water, cucumber juice and lime juice. Apply this mixture on the skin and leave it overnight. In the morning, rinse with cool water.
To clear the skin pores, add a pinch of salt and two teaspoonful of lime juice to 50 ml of raw milk. Dab a cotton ball in this solution and apply it on the skin. This is a very good cleansing lotion and can even clear the deep pores in the skin.
In a food processor, blend as much tomatoes as required to get 50 ml of the juice. To the tomato juice, add one teaspoon of lemon juice and mix thoroughly. Apply this on the skin to make it soft and glowing.
Orange juice also keeps the skin smooth and glowing. Apply orange juice regularly to the skin in the face, hands and legs with a cotton dab.
If there are stains in the skin, then these can be removed by applying mint juice. However, you have to be patient as the process will take time. You need to apply the mint juice on the skin every day, for a period of few weeks.
Wrinkles can make the skin look faded and ugly. To get rid of wrinkles, mix one teaspoon of honey with 30 ml of cabbage juice. Apply this regularly on the face and hands to keep the wrinkles away.
Carrots are the best, if you are looking for glowing facial skin. Blend fresh raw carrots in a food processor to form a paste. Apply this paste on the face as a mask. Allow it to set for an hour and then wash. Applying this paste regularly will make the skin glow.
Lightly blend a papaya so that it forms a paste. To this add orange juice and honey. Mix thoroughly. Massage the skin with this for about 30 minutes. This is very effective in giving a glowing skin.
Honey can keep the skin supple and fresh. Simply apply honey on the skin and leave it for 15 minutes. Thereafter, wash with lukewarm water.
Drink plenty of water and fruit juices. These keep the skin hydrated and help in eliminating the toxins, keeping the skin fresh and radiant. Also, cut down on smoking and alcohol intake.
Beautiful skin, like beautiful face, is not a lifelong gift. For beautiful skin, you have to work towards it and also take care of it. And the tips for beautiful skin will ensure that you make your skin an envy of others.