Agreed, hair is an important element for the overall look of the face. But dry hair can ruin the good looks that one is blessed with in a matter of seconds. Dry hair looks rough, unwashed, and mismanaged. People with dry hair can also easily become a victim of dandruff. But, have you ever wondered what causes dry hair in the first place? The major cause of dry hair is heat. If your hair is directly exposed to the heat of the sun for a long period of time, it would eventually become dry. Another reason emerging at a greater speed today is the excessive use of electronic products like hair dryer, pressing machine and so on. Also, the arrival of the applications like permanent straightening and curling, hair coloring and highlighting have emerged as the main reason for the tresses turning dry. Dull and lusterless, the hair not only loses its sheen and shine, but also gets tangled in the process. Home remedies are the best way to cure dry hair, as they give long lasting results. They are not only cheap, but also cure without any side effects. In the following lines, we have listed effective home remedies for treating dry hair. Read through and bring back the lost glory of your locks!

Dry Hair Treatment
Oil Massage
A simply oil massage is all it takes to infuse life in your dead and lusterless tresses! Take coconut oil and add crushed almond and lemon juice to it. Now warm the content a little and massage it on the scalp. Cover the head with a warm towel for about half an hour and then wash the hair. The result would be smooth, shiny and beautiful hair!
Banana Packs
Mash two or three bananas depending on the length of the hair and add beaten curd to it. Blend the mixture well in a container. Apply this paste to your hair from root to tip. Wait for 15 minutes and then rinse your hair with a mild shampoo. You would be surprised to see the massive change in your hair texture!
Eggs & Milk
Take two eggs and a little milk in a bowl. Beat up the eggs in the bowl of milk and add lemon juice and coconut oil to it. Apply the mixture on your scalp and hair and keep it for about an hour. This mixture would not only nourish your hair, but also give it the vitamin support. Later, wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
Egg Massage
Separate the white and yolk of an egg and beat both of them separately. Add some water to the yolk and blend it till it becomes creamy. Now add the white of the egg to it. Wet your hair with warm water and massage with this mixture. After some time, rinse thoroughly with normal water.
Take few tablespoons of henna powder in a steal container. Boil few leaves of tea separately and extract out the tea water from it. Add this tea water to the henna and blend the mixture well. Keep this mixture aside for a few hours, before applying. Apply this paste on the hair for almost 2-3 hours. Wash it with normal water.
Mayonnaise can be used in many ways. One can just apply it from root to tip, keep it for sometime and wash with normal water or heat it until a white, sticky and oily mixture is achieved. Apply this mixture for about 15 minutes on the scalp and wash it using a shampoo.
Avocado and Aloe Vera
Take a few avocados, ripe banana and olive oil. Mix them well in a container and apply for about 15-20 minutes. Wash the hair with lukewarm water. This mixture not only repairs the hair, but restores it effectively.