Fibroids are the most common, non-cancerous growth in the reproductive system of a female. Read on what are fibroids as well as what causes them.

What Are Fibroids

Fibroids are the most common growth in a women’s reproductive system. They are a mixture of muscle tissues and threadlike fiber tissues, which grow in the walls of the uterus. For a layman, they are like tumors that grow on the uterus, but are not cancerous. Fibroids usually appear during the middle age of a woman, which is somewhere, around 30 to 50. However, they may also be seen during the 20’s. They may be as small as a pinpoint or as big as a ball. Fibroids are usually round or oval in shape and have a firm texture.
What Causes Fibroids
Fibroids are scientifically called leiomyoma, myoma, and fibromyoma. Though their exact cause is not known, it is believed that fibroids are caused due to their dependence on oestrogen. In the middle years, the oestrogen levels are high in women and so fibroids usually occur. After menopause the oestrogen levels drop and so, they also stop growing. It is possible for a woman to have one fibroid or even hundred fibroids. In some cases, there are no symptoms, while in others, symptoms range from heavy bleeding and pain to incontinence and infertility.
What are the types of fibroids?
Fibroids are classified according to the place where they are found in the uterus. The classification is as follows: 
  • Intramural fibroids are those that grow in the wall of the womb. These are the most common type of fibroid found in a female.
  • Subserous fibroids are those that grow from the outer layer of the womb wall and sometimes grow on stalks. They are also called pedunculated fibroids. Subserous fibroids can grow to be very large in size.
  • Submucous fibroids are those that develop in the muscle underneath the inner lining of the womb. They grow into the womb and can also grow on stalks which, if long enough, can hang through the cervix.
  • Cervical fibroids are those that grow in the wall of the cervix or neck of the womb and are difficult to remove without damaging the surrounding area. 
Prevention of Fibroids
Since the exact cause of fibroids is not known, their prevention is also a little dicey. However, there are some basic guidelines which would help reduce the risk of fibroids. They are:
  • Weigh yourself frequently. Avoid putting on weight as that would help minimize oestrogen levels.
  • Eat a lot of green vegetables and fruits.

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