Mouth blisters can be very painful if left untreated. If you are looking for information on mouth blisters, then here is some information on the causes and treatment of mouth blisters.

Mouth Blisters

Mouth blisters are a common problem that many of us have encountered. Various types of mouth blisters can appear anywhere inside the mouth including the inner cheeks, tongue, corner of the lips, palate, and the gums as well. Mouth blisters are lesions that develop on the soft tissues of the mouth. They can be very painful, inflamed, and if left untreated can be the cause of great discomfort. Most mouth blisters go on their own in a week or two, but if your blisters have been bothering you for a long time and are not healing easily, then you must seek the advice of a physician to find the underlying cause. Mouth blisters more often than not appear as pale yellow ulcers with red outer rings. Blisters can at times appear in clusters as well. If you want to learn more about the causes and treatments for mouth blisters, then here is some information to your aid. Read the following sections to know more on the same.

Causes And Treatment For Mouth Blisters

Causes For Mouth Blisters

Minor Injuries
Minor injuries like an accidental cheek bite, overzealous brushing, spicy food, or acidic food can be some of the probable causes for mouth blisters to occur.

Vitamin Deficiency
If your diet is lacking in vitamin B 12, zinc, iron, or folate, you might develop mouth blisters.

Certain Diseases
Patients suffering from ‘celiac disease’ may also develop mouth blisters. Celiac disease is a serious intestinal disorder that occurs due to the body’s reaction to gluten, a protein found in grains. Inflammatory diseases like ‘crohns disease’, ‘ulcerative colitis’, etc can also lead to development of mouth blisters. Additionally, an impaired immune system can also be the cause of mouth blisters.

Allergic Reaction To Food
Many people develop mouth blisters as an allergic reaction to certain food items like pineapples, nuts, cheese, coffee, strawberries, chocolate, etc.

Other Significant Causes
  • Chewing tobacco
  • Wearing braces
  • A sharp or broken tooth
  • Hot food
  • Bacterial infections
  • Hormonal shift
  • Stress

Treatment For Mouth Blisters

Mouth Rinse
Gargling the mouth with cold water helps in reducing mouth blisters, especially if you have a mouth burn. You can also ask your doctor for a mouth rinse that might help reduce the pain and inflammation associated with the mouth blisters.

Nutritional Supplements
If you have developed mouth blisters due to some vitamin deficiencies, then nutritional supplements can improve your condition to an extent.

Oral Medication
Your doctor might prescribe some oral medications if your condition doesn’t respond to other treatments. Oral medication is also prescribed for several types of mouth blisters. However, always consult your doctor and enquire about recommended dosage before you start taking any tablets etc.

Topical Ointments
Sometimes doctors also recommend topical ointments to be applied locally on the blisters. These topical pastes help relieve the pain and boost the healing process.

Home Remedies For Mouth Blisters

  • Mulberry juice is said to be beneficial for mouth blisters.
  • Massage your gums with coconut milk and honey to get relief from mouth blisters.
  • Put one tablespoon of coriander seeds in a cup of water and boil it well. Allow the liquid to cool for some time and then rinse your mouth with the solution 3-4 times a day.
  • Peppermint oil is also helpful in alleviating the pain associated with mouth blisters.
  • Turmeric powder has been known for its antiseptic properties for long. Take one tablespoon of turmeric powder and add one tablespoon glycerin to it. Mix it and apply the solution on your ulcers for relief.
  • A paste made with one tablespoon of powdered Indian gooseberries and honey when applied on mouth blisters provides speedy relief.

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