Making homemade liquid soap is easy and lets you choose your own color and fragrance. Read on to explore an easy homemade liquid soap recipe.

Making Homemade Liquid Soap

In the present world, soap bars are just so passé. It is the time for liquid soaps, be it bath soaps or the ones used for washing hands after a hard day in the garden. This is because it avoids the situation of contamination from coming in contact with infected people. These liquid cleaners are actually not a recent discovery, but have been used by people since ancient times. You can not only use them for your own needs, but can also present it as a personalized gift to a dear friend or family. There are many soap producing plants or saponins present in different parts of the world. Apart from these, liquid soaps are also made from materials like wild ginger plant and agitated yucca.
Compared to bars, liquid soaps are quite expensive and thus, avoided by many people. Though most of the soap users are unaware of it, soap bars can be covered into a liquid soap, at home only. Making liquid soaps at home is an easy task and does not take much time. You can even choose your own color and fragrance. There are different techniques and procedures for preparing homemade liquid soap. In the following lines, we have provided a simple recipe for making homemade liquid soap. All it requires is some effort and patience on your part. Go through it and see how easy it is to make a liquid soap within the confines of your home.
How to Make Homemade Liquid Soap
Items Needed 
  • 1 Soap Bar
  • 1 cup Water
  • 1 tbsp Honey
  • 1 tsp Glycerin
  • Soap Coloring
  • Soap Fragrance
  • Liquid Soap Dispenser
  • Blender
  • Grater 
  • First of all, you need to grate a bar of soap.
  • Put the grated soap in the blender and add 1 cup of boiling water to it.
  • Setting the blender on "whip", blend soap and water.
  • Take out the blended mixture in a bowl and add measured quantities of honey and glycerin. Stir well.
  • Keep the mixture aside for 15-20 minutes, to let it cool down. This is an important stage of the liquid soap production which allows the ingredients to blend together uniformly.
  • Once the cooling stage is over, put the mixture in the blender and whip again. Allow the mixture to blend for a total of 5 to 10 minutes or until you get a fine paste.
  • Add cold water to the mixture, until you have 6 cups of it, in toto.
  • You can now add a few drops of soap coloring and soap fragrance to it.
  • Put the mixture in the blender and whip again.
  • Your liquid soap is ready. Pour it in a storage container, without the lid on, and let it cool.
  • Finally, pour your liquid soap into liquid soap dispenser and store in a cool, dry place.
  • Do make sure to shake the bottle of liquid soap well before use.

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