If you want to express your individuality then you have more than your clothes and personality to depend upon. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if people identified you with a particular fragrance? This will perhaps be the best expression of your personality. For many can boast of good clothes but not many can boast of a unique scent that characterizes them. This you can do best by creating your own body spray. You can also use different ingredients and create a variety of fragrances that you can use to suit your mood. This will also save you on a lot of expense, as commercial body sprays can be quite expensive. Since, when you make your own body spray you will be using only organic products it will also be very safe as most of the commercial ones use chemicals to a certain extent. So, you don’t have to worry about any harmful effects on the skin. And body sprays are very easy to make as they do not require any elaborate preparation or equipments like say perfume. In time if you become really good at it, your homemade body sprays can be excellent gift items for your friends and family. All you have to do is buy some attractive bottles, fill them up with a personalized body spray made by you, and gift them. It will be a gift to treasure. Read more on how you can make body sprays.

Image: fdecomite@flickr
Homemade Body Spray Recipes
- 2 cups distilled water
- 3 tbsp vodka
- 1 tbsp of orange peel (finely chopped)
- 1 tbsp of lemon peel (finely chopped)
- 5 drops lemon verbena essential oil
- 10 drops mandarin essential oil
- 10 drops orange essential oil
- In a jar, take the vodka and add the lemon peels. Stir to mix.
- Keep the jar for one week.
- Strain the liquid to discard the peels.
- Add the essential oils and water to the liquid.
- Leave the jar to rest in a cool and dark area for two weeks shaking the jar once a day.
- Store the liquid in a dark bottle.
Summer Body Spray
- 1 tbsp witch hazel
- 1 tsp lemon essential oil
- 1 tsp cucumber essential oil
- 1 cup water
- Mix all the ingredients in a jar.
- Transfer the contents into a bottle.
- 2 drops basil
- 3 drops black pepper
- 3 drops patchouli
- 5 drops sage
- 18 drops lemongrass
- 2 teaspoons vodka
- 2 cups water
- In a jar, mix all the essential oils together.
- Then add the vodka and shake.
- Leave the jar to rest for thirty minutes and then add the vinegar.
- Mix the contents with the water.
- Strain the mixture through a paper coffee filter.
- 3 drops peppermint
- 4 drops rosemary
- 5 drops lavender
- 6 drops lemon
- 6 drops sage
- 9 drops grapefruit
- 3 tsp vodka
- 4 ounces vinegar
- 2 cups purified water
- Mix all the essential oils.
- Put the vodka in a jar and then add the essential oil mixture to it.
- Leave it to rest for thirty minutes. Then add the vinegar and shake.
- Now, pour this mixture into another jar containing purified water and shake.
- Store it in a bottle.
- 3 tbsp of vanilla extract
- 1 cup distilled water
- 1 tsp of rubbing alcohol
- Take all the ingredients in a spray bottle and shake vigorously to mix.