Today hair dyeing has become a common thing. You see people dyeing their hair left and right; even teenagers too dye their hair. Dyeing the hair may be because of various reasons, to get the trendiest hairstyle or to hide greys or some people even use this as a way to hide their natural hair color, which for some reasons they don’t fancy. However, with the increased popularity of hair dyeing, the dyeing of eyebrows remains a taboo. People usually stay away from coloring their eyebrows. One reason of this wariness may be the notice issued by the Food and Drug Administration, which have prohibited the promotion of eyebrow dyes. Ideally, the color of the eyebrows should be the same as that of hair. Although dyeing an eyebrow should not be done all the time, you can do it when you are going several shades lighter than your real hair color. Imagine a blond hair with black eyebrows and you would know why the eyebrows dyes are essential in today’s world. Changing an eyebrow color to that of the hair would only improve our overall look. However, it should always be done under a professional consultant or in a beauty salon; otherwise it can pose a serious threat to your eyes. There are several things, which you need to know before you decide to color your eyebrows. Read on to know how to dye eyebrows.

Image: istolethetv@flickr