If you have spent a lifetime envying the delicate glossy tresses of celebrities and agonizing over your own worn-out, straw-like mane, it’s time you did something about it! Wearing your hair in style won’t do any wonders to your personality, if you have dry, frizzy hair. So, treating it first is utmost necessary. Dry hair is as common as zits and acne and dealing with it does not need expert handling. Some common sense and a touch of care can go a long way to ensure that you have a healthy mane. Most women would give their arms and even legs and teeth to get glossy hair. After all, having healthy hair is better than having to wake up in the morning to a head full of messy tangles and then spending the next hour trying to get those knots out. Dry hair is one of the most common hair woes that plague us. This could be the result of excessive shampooing, coloring, perming or styling, or even over exposure to sun. Absence of sebaceous gland secretion and sebum deficiency can also work against your hair, making it dry and lifeless. Now, it is time to banish your dry hair woes and change that unmanageable, rebellious mop into soft flowing locks How? Here are some useful tips that will help you know how to cure your dry hair.

Image: Blancalala@flickr