We can not even imagine our life without cell phones today. But it is true that there was a time, not very long back, when life sustained without this electronic pocket device. However, let’s not get into that for now. An advanced version of walkie-talkie, a cell phone is an instrument through which we can talk and listen simultaneously. The device has been made by combining the technologies of radio and telephone. Since its invention, cell phones have undergone different stages of evolution. From simply performing the function of making and receiving a call to being loaded with enhanced features and applications, mobile phones have come a long way and made life extremely easy and entertaining. People today eagerly look out for new version and models. Cell phones have become a status and style symbol, instead of being just a necessary device, what with people using the same for creating memories (clicking snaps) and entertaining themselves (music, games, videos and internet). Cell phones are an integral part of our life today, but have you ever wondered “how do cell phones work?” Many people think that the process is very difficult for a common man to understand, but in reality, it’s not. In the following lines, we have provided the details of how do cell phones work. Know your beloved instrument all the more better by leaning about its working.

Working Of A Cell Phone
- Cell phone works on the principle of radio frequency transmissions. For the same reason, it can also be called as a sophisticated radio. These transmissions take place from one base station to another. A base station is also called mast or antenna and is a wireless communication station set up within a particular geographical area. The geographical zone covered by one base station is called a cell.
- When you make or receive any call, you send or receive a radio transmission. Once you have placed a call, the cellular system identifies your cell phone and provides identity to your frequency. The identity details include the particular phone number and the location details within the system.
- When you call a person, you send a signal from your phone to the base station of the particular cell phone to which you are making a call. The signal travels along the specified geographical zone and once it reaches the base station, it is given a specific radio frequency channel.
- After complete processing of the signal, it is directed towards a call switching center. From this stage, the call is transferred to another cell phone directly or through local carrier of the phone. Although it seems little complex, this whole process takes just a fraction of seconds to complete.
- Population in a specific area defines the size of the cell. If the population is high, the cell size will be small and vice versa. Therefore, in urban areas, cell size is smaller in comparison to rural areas.
Cell phone is an extremely important device for each of us today and a good knowledge about the working of the same will bring us more close to this incredible technology called cell phone!