Finding a suitable hairstyle means knowing the shape of your face. Unlike oval or round shaped faces, not every hairstyle can go with a heart shaped face. The main features of a heart shaped face are high cheek bones and a pointy chin. While choosing a hairstyle for heart shaped face, your must go for something that highlights and emphasizes your marvelous cheekbones. A nice medium haircut is considered the best option as it enhances the facial features by completely framing it. Many famous A-list celebrities have heart shaped face and they absolutely rock it with their well suiting haircuts. Whether it is Miley Cyrus’ unique and bold hairdo where her back of the head and sides are shaved but it is choppy in the front or Taylor Swift’s straightened bangs in the front or Beyonce’s long and blonde tresses or Katie Holmes’ short bob with fringe in the front––all of these hairdos are aimed at drawing attention to the beautiful heart shape of the face. These professionally acquired hairdos are specially designed keeping the peculiarity of their face cut in mind. Jennifer Lawrence’s transformation from blond straight hair to dark sultry waves has changed her from a ‘girl-next-door’ into a ‘sexy diva’. Such is the power of a hairstyle that best fits your face. If you are confused about what hairstyle will go with your heart shaped face then you have come to the right article. Check out the given hairstyles for heart shaped face to help you get a different look.

Haircuts For Heart Shaped Faces
Uneven & Choppy Ends: This style is a simple multi-layer haircut with a little difference as it leaves the ends uneven and bouncing. In this style, the crown of the hair is heavy so that there are no extra curls at the ends and bangs are used to enhance the features. This medium length cut, with uneven and choppy ends, enhances the delicate chin and high cheekbones of a heart shaped face. This is an easy-to-maintain look for medium length hair.
Outlining The Face: Another style for heart shaped face is to highlight the facial features by framing the face. This is a short-medium haircut in which outer edge of hair frame the face by slightly scraping it. This is also a multi-layer cut, which emphasizes the eyes and cheekbones. The heavy layers on the crown are brushed downward and the bangs are parted slightly at the end. This is just perfect for that innocent and natural look.
Wavy Look: If you have a little longer hair than medium length, you can experiment with this new look. This is a multi-layer cut in which the bangs are brushed toward the outer edge. The multi layers at the crown are allowed to flow downward with natural waves to add weight around the pointy chin. A side part will look fabulous with this hairstyle.
Lob: A long lob, preferably that just about covers the neck, with all hair strands in one length takes the emphasis off the jawline, softens it and accentuates the cheek bones. This does not only draws attention to your heart shaped face but also highlights your shoulders. So if you have sleek and straight shoulders then you must don this hairstyle and flaunt just more than your face shape. Jennifer Aniston from one of the seasons in Friends carried this type of lob with an incomparable panache.
Bangs: Bangs, especially the soft ones that you can sweep to one side of the forehead has the quality to put an apt amount of focus on your eyes and take the unneeded focus off that pointy chin. So, if you have got a very pointy chin then you can carry these bangs with long hair at the back to soften the sharpness of the features on your face. Plus, these bangs are very feminine and bring out the flamboyance of your face. When you are getting these bangs for yourself then ask your hairstylist to give you the vertically cut across bangs rather than the straight across ones. Remember to not cut them too short otherwise it will look like a very naïve hairstyle.
Pixie: All kinds of pixie hairstyles look great on heart shaped faces. With really short hair strands on your head, your eyes and cheeks are bound to get a lot of attention. This one is for you if you have a killer jawline, the kind that you always wanted to flaunt. Also goes very well with long necks. Pixie does not even need a lot of hairstyling or maintenance; it is wash and go type of a hairstyle. But it would demand a trim of the unruly growth from time to time.
Loose Curls: If you have natural curls then consider it to be a blessing for your heart shaped face. Nothing makes you heart shaped face look more original and fresh than natural curls falling on your face. Just a regular maintenance and styling will ensure that your natural curls look super on you. If you have beautiful heavy curls then try to cut down on shampooing and use a lot of conditioner to keep the curls hydrated.
- Don’t experiment with a hairstyle with thin layers around chin. It will make your face look awfully long and pointed.
- Short bob cut is perfect hairstyle for heart shaped face, as it highlights the cheekbones and the delicate chin.
- Don’t experiment with a hairstyle with a lot of layers at crown and which emphasizes the upper part of the face.