Hair braiding is perhaps the earliest instance of hair styling. It is prevalent in all the cultures of the world, and even now, braids are still considered to be cool. As a style statement, it can hold water against any other forms of hairstyles. Girls especially braid their hair a lot, and it is very common to see young girls with hair braids. Men also do braid their hair but it is not that common. In men, it is widespread among the Afro race, and traditionally pirates and Red Indians were depicted with hair braids. The wide spread popularity of hair braids is because unlike other hairstyles, the braiding in the hair is the most effective way to manage the hair. It prevents the hair from coming in the way when you are doing various other tasks. The style element of hair braiding is enhanced by using beads, external braids or by plaiting different types of braids in different styles. Since, the most basic braid can be done in a very short time it is perhaps the cheapest and simplest way to style your hair. Read below for tips on braiding hair.
Image: ni_mykon@flickr