Looking old is perhaps the lesser of the two evils when compared to dying young. Though many of us wouldn’t mind the latter option, most of us would agree that it is better to live a full life and die a satisfied person who has accomplished all that he or she could. Still, we do not like to look our age and want to look younger than we are at any given point of time. Though the market is flooded with a large number of anti ageing creams and other products, and there are ways in which one can use makeup to look younger too, it is best to look for permanent solutions to the issue rather than try these shortcuts, which will only harm the skin further, especially if the products are substandard. There is another option that people who have the money to throw around try – cosmetic surgery and botox – which are by far the most dangerous options of them all. It has often been stated that the best thing to do is to treat your skin and care for it before the signs of ageing appear. To look younger, it is best to eat all the healthy stuff, exercise moderately and lead a happy life – though the first two options are too tough to follow, they are the most essential ones. Here’s how to look younger.

Image: Orofacial@flickr
How To Fight Ageing
Here are some ways of keeping ageing and its signs at bay for good:
Health Is Beauty
A body that is fed the right kind of stuff will glow from outside and will also look younger. It wasn’t for nothing that we get to hear it all the time that we are, after all, what we eat. Proper nutrition is the key to looking your best and living a longer, healthy life. Include at least four to five servings of vegetables in your diet, drink lots of water, go low on the junk food, include all kinds of fresh fruits into your diet and go as low on the fried stuff as possible. This one point alone will make up for most of the health issues that we face and will also give us younger looking skin and will keep our brain and mind young too. You will notice that once you switch to the healthier food options and go low on what is unhealthy, every health issue will fall into place, one of the effects of which is younger looking skin, less hair fall and very little health issues.
Work Out And Work Up Steam
If a healthy and balanced diet will prevent any more junk from accumulating into your body, moderate amounts of exercise is what you need to get rid of the toxins, fats, and other harmful substances already accumulated in your body. It is also helpful in keeping your body younger and more functional, as age may slow down your pace, make your joints weak, generally adding years to it. Regular exercise will keep the joints from becoming too weak, the bones from becoming brittle and the body from ageing. It also prevents, as we all know, fat from accumulating and toxins from staying in the body, which quicken the process of ageing.
New Be It
Never be afraid of trying something new, though not in cosmetics. You could try a new form of exercise, a new way of cooking a healthy meal, or even a new hairstyle. Get a catalogue of new hairstyle and ask your hairdresser about which one would look best on you. For instance, bangs that have been swept to the side make one look younger by taking away the attention from one’s receding hairline.
Treat Me
Once in a while, pamper yourself and spend some time only with your own self. Get your fingernails and toe nails done well by a beautician, give yourself a facial once a month, give yourself a hot oil massage, or just spend a whole day at the spa. The idea is to feel good and not just look good. Don’t forget the sauna – it hydrates the skin and removes the toxins from the body in the form of sweat.