Whether you are into a newly formed relationship or you have been in a special relationship for a considerable amount of time now, the idea of getting to know more and more about your lover never gets drag. The whole aspect of having a wonderful chemistry with your lover is that you never get bored of each other and you remain curious about how your partner acts or feels about everything in the world. If you are in a new love connection then perhaps this curiosity is way too high and you cannot wait to know all about your loved one. You probably find yourself, more often than not, asking questions from your lover; the questions that he never gets tired of, the questions that are answered but never really quenches your insatiable thirst to know your lover from inside-out. When we just get to know someone and we fall head over heels for this special person, it is natural to be inquisitive about him. This overflowing desire to know more about the partner leads one to ask more questions about his/her past, present and future. This is the major reason why new couples can talk for hours and hours at a stretch without getting tired and bored of each other. In fact, talking to each other gives them a high and they fall more and more for each other. Everything your partner tell you imprints on your memory and you reflect on it for hours later, trying to make a sense of it in your world. This is why they say that the first sign of falling in love is losing track of time. You can spend days in knowing your partner and keeping that entire information safe inside you. Principally, this is how two people become intimate and start to care about each other. Their understanding of where their partner is coming from makes them more empathetic towards each other. This is how two complete strangers start to relate to each other and lose their guards in front of each other. People who have already been in a relationship for a long time might not be as enthusiastically curious about each other in later phase of the relation but if love is still alive then the curiosity is also alive somewhere. This curiosity can be turned into a lot of fun by asking really fun questions from your lover rather than the banal ones. The way your partner answers these questions will tell you plenty about him and his personality and also this would definitely ensure for you a fun time. So the next time you are on a date with your lover or partner and you want to start a conversation, start asking fun questions from him. Your partner will guarantee enjoy this with you. If you do not have much idea about what kind of fun questions you should ask from your partner, then you can refer to the examples of such questions from our article.

List Of Fun Questions To Ask Your Lover
- What is the craziest thing you can do for me?
- What is that one habit of mine that drives you nuts?
- What irritates you the most about my family?
- Did you ever have a crush on any of your teachers?
- If I am a fruit, which fruit you think I am?
- Describe your worst date ever?
- How was your first kiss?
- Were you grounded often by your parents?
- Which was your longest running relationship?
- Are your still in contact with your ex-girlfriends/boyfriends?
- Which sex position is your favorite?
- Would you ever like to visit a nude beach?
- Where do you want to take me for a vacation?
- Do you like short hair on me or long?
- Do you tell white lies often?
- What is that one thing that you cannot live without?
- Which is your favorite alcoholic beverage?
- Do you fall in love easy?
- Are you attracted to any of your friends?
- What superhero quality do you want in you?
- Who inspires you in life?
- Who do you resemble the most in personality, your mother or father?
- Are you religious or spiritual?
- Describe your worst kiss?
- Have you ever shoplifted anything?
- Are you a shopaholic?
- Do you have any irrational fears?
- Were you pampered as a child?
- If you can come back as an animal, which one would it be?
- What attracts you towards me the most?
- What is the funniest thing you've ever done?
- Who was your first crush and how old were you?
- How many girls/ boys have you dated so far?
- Which TV show bores you the most?
- What is your favorite chocolate?
- What is the most outrageous thing you've ever done?
- Which country you would never want to go?
- If you could change your name, it would be?
- Who do you hate the most in this world?
- How many sex partners have you had so far?
- Have you ever slept through a movie? If so, which one?
- Which is your worst nightmare?
- What is your most favorite way of kissing me?
- How do feel about kids?
- What are your romance fantasies?
- Which music irritates you the most?
- What kind of cologne do you use?
- Have you ever committed a crime?
- Why do you love me?
- What is your idea of a perfect holiday destination?
- Which is our best date so far?
- What would you do if you win $ 1,000,000?
- What were your nicknames as a child?
- What made you crazy about me?
- Do you know how to cook?
- Have you ever stolen anything before?
- What section of the newspaper do you read first?
- Which book has changed your life?
- What was your first impression about me?
- How long did you like me before you actually confessed?
- Do you ever dance when there's no music being played?
- What is the worst thing you've ever eaten for breakfast?
- If you had to choose another person apart from me, who would it be?
- Do you like hot drinks on hot days?
- Did you ever cry in a movie? If so, which one?
- What is common between us?
- What are your views on French kissing?
- What would be your favorite gift to receive?
- Which is our best date ever?