First date questions can help you in deciding whether you would like to go out with the same person in future or not. Read on to get some best questions for your first date.

First Date Questions

An old proverb says “Speech is silver, but silence is gold”. This works well in most aspects of life. But, when it comes to dating, following this proverb can put you in great trouble. The challenge becomes tougher if it is the first date. First date is both an exciting as well as an intimidating experience. You make all attempts to look best, speak properly and present flawlessly. However, many times, you end up with just a formal introduction, which leads you to no healthy conversation. It is very obvious that on the first date, both you and your partner are passing through the same stage of nervousness. There is an ice existing between you and your partner which has to be broken, to help you two know each other.  
It is in this situation that popular first date questions will come to your rescue. These questions help you break the wall of silence and make you interact with each other conveniently. An added advantage of these questions is that they bring out some of those facts that you would definitely like to know about your partner. However, you should be conscious to introduce these questions in the course of discussion, rather than bombarding your partner with them, one after the other. They should come along with the topic that is being discussed at that point of time. This will make them appear as a normal and proper part of the conversation, rather than the questions put up during an interview.
Best Questions For Your First Date
In the following line, we bring you some best questions for first date, which will definitely help know a lot about your partner. 
  • What type of relation are you looking for?
  • What, according to you, is the definition of an ideal relation?
  • Which factor do you think can be most disastrous for a healthy relation?
  • What do you look for, in a relationship?
  • Were you in any relation before? If yes, why did it break up?
  • Which type of books interests you the most?
  • What is your concept of fun?
  • What is the one thing in you which you would like to change?
  • Which aspect of your personality you admire the most?
  • What do you look for the most in your partner?
  • What is your take on respecting each other’s space in a relationship?
  • What type of work interests you?
  • What can bring smile on your face instantly?
  • How well can you comfort yourself in time of distress?
  • Where do you stand in your own evaluation as a human being?
  • Which trait can you never withstand in a person?
  • Are you practical or philosophical by nature?
  • What is your idea of ideal holiday?
  • How comfortable are you when it comes to speaking with the strangers?
  • How rightly can you judge people?
  • What is the ultimate goal of your life?
  • What is the wildest prank you ever played in your life?
  • Where do you see yourself after 10 years? 
Some Tips 
  • The first date questions should be such that the other person feels most comfortable in answering them. If you see that he/she is getting bothered while answering any of them, leave that question and move forward with the conversation.
  • On a first date, the interaction has to be light and jovial and should not be a pressure booster. However, you can bring in thought provoking questions as well, depending on the course of your conversation.
  • The questions should be such that they let you know the nature of your partner. They can make you see through the actual person and his/ her way of dealing with life.
  • Fun questions enable your date have a smooth flow, with an air of compatibility and consistency. So, including a few of them in the conversation is necessary.

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