Bored of your looks? Want to give a new colour to your personality? Here are few hair bleaching tips for you to experiment with in a safe way.

Bleaching Hair Tips

Want to get a blonde look like that of Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Simpson or Pamela Anderson? You can get the same blonde look as these celebrities by choosing the right bleach for your hair. You might get apprehensive thinking about the use of bleach on your hair because it is about taking away the natural colour of your hair. However, if you know the colour that will suit your hair, and the safe technique of bleaching your hair, it will prove to be an easy task. You can also use bleaching as a measure to lighten your hair colour a bit. All that you need to keep in mind is the damaging effects bleach can have on your hair if not applied properly, and the measures you can take to cause minimum damage to your hair. Therefore, if you are bored of the same old dark hair of yours and wish to give it a golden blonde look, go through the article below to learn about how to bleach hair and the safe measures to be taken while doing so.

Image: deanwissing@flickr

How To Bleach Hair


  • A bowl
  • Old towel
  • Bleaching kit
  • Scissors
  • Old newspaper
  • Applicator brush
  • A timer
  • Old shirt or a robe
  • Old clothes
  • A plastic cap 
  • The first thing you need to do is to decide and make a confirmation to yourself that you want to bleach your hair. If you make the confirmation, go ahead and purchase a good colour that you believe will suit your hair colour and your skin tone. Take some expert’s opinion if there is any doubt in your mind with regard to the colour or company that manufactured the bleach.
  • Once you have the right bleach kit in your hands, go through the instruction label carefully. Follow the instructions thoroughly when mixing the bleach with hydrogen peroxide. Make sure not to miss out on any instruction because a small mistake can damage to your hair.
  • Put on rubber gloves in your hands before you start applying the bleach to protect your hand from harmful chemicals. Make sure to wrap a towel around your neck so that your clothes don’t get stained.
  • It is advisable to test the bleach on a strand of hair before applying it completely. Apply it on a small section of your hair and wait for some time to check the colour it gives to your hair. This will give you a fair idea as to how your hair is going to look after bleaching.
  • When you start applying the bleach, make sure that you apply it from 1 cm away from the hair root moving downward. You should cover your entire hair with bleach apart from the roots, wait for 10 min after applying the bleach and then wash out the bleach from your hair with normal water.
  • You might let out a squeak after seeing the orange colour that your hair takes up after the first application. There is nothing to worry. The orange colour just denotes that the natural pigments in your hair are still present and that it will require 3-4 more treatments before the bleaching effect on your hair.
  • Use a shampoo to wash your hair after the first application of bleach. Use of mild shampoo and deep conditioning of hair is important as the bleach makes the hair dry and prone to breakage.
  • Another point to bear in mind when you decide to bleach your hair is that, you should maintain a 2-3 days gap before the next bleaching session. This time is essential for the hair to recover from the damages caused due to bleaching.
  • The hair roots gets bleached fast and therefore it is the last place where you should apply bleach. The bleach should be kept on hair roots for a very short time to avoid any serious damage.
  • You need to take care of your bleached hair properly in order to keep them in a healthy condition. You need to wash them regularly which will release some essential oils that will help provide nutrients to the hair. Make sure also to condition your hair after every wash.

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