Arm pains are caused by a variety of conditions and must not be taken for granted. Explore this article to know more on the conditions that cause arm pains.

Arm Pain Causes

Your arms perform pivotal functions for you. Without them, performing day-to-day functions would be more than just challenging. Lifting a bucket, making and having tea, working on computers, etc. are just some examples of functions that we perform on a daily basis. Do you think you could pull off these ‘simple tasks’ without your arms? Well, not really! Your arms mainly comprise of bones, nerves, muscles, ligaments and tendons and all of them are prone to injuries. Also, did you know that the first sign of a heart attack is pain in the left arm? So, an arm pain is not something that can be taken too lightly. However, some pains arise due to minor reasons while the rest are caused by serious deviations from the normal. For pains caused due to minor reasons, the treatments are simple and less complicated. For pains that arise due to fractures and nerve problems, professional help should be sought. Take the time; read on to get familiar with the conditions that cause arm pains. 

Causes Of Arm Pain

Broken Arm
One of the most common causes for an arm pain is a broken arm. You may have a broken arm if any of the three bones (ulna, radius and humerus) in your arm are involved in an injury. The treatment for a broken arm depends on the seriousness of the injury. A simple injury can be set right with the assistance of a sling and ice. However, if the pain is severe and persistent, it’s a must to opt for surgery. 

Broken Wrist
A break in one or a few of the many bones in your wrist can result in a painful injury. Broken wrists are a common problem. You can break your wrist by doing almost anything. Any activity ranging from playing basketball or skiing to falling with your hand outstretched can lead to a broken wrist. It’s also easier to break a wrist when an individual is afflicted by osteoporosis, a condition characterized by thin and fragile bones. A broken wrist should be set right as soon as possible, A delay in treatment can lead to unnecessary complications. Immediate and effective treatment will add to the accurate alignment of broken bones.

Stinger or burner is an injury that mostly plagues sportsmen and sportswomen. It occurs when your neck and head are stretched away from your shoulder. The sudden and strong stretch can send an electric shock-like sensation right through your arm. This too can result in arm pain.

Tendinitis, more commonly known as a tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow, is caused by an irritation or inflammation of the tendons. Tendons are thick fibrous cords that connect your muscles to your bones. An inflammation of your tendons can result in a lot of pain around the joints. Tendinitis mostly occurs around the elbows, shoulders, wrist and heels. Less severe cases of tendinitis can be corrected with adequate treatment and medication, but severe cases (ruptured tendons) of tendinitis need to be surgically corrected.


No one really is a stranger to a sprain! A sprain can occur in any part of the body, but is most common in and around your arms and ankles. A sprain is basically a torn ligament and ligaments are bands of fibrous tissue that connect one bone to another. Like most other causes for arm pains, mild sprains can be treated at home, while severe ones need surgery.

Intersection Syndrome
Intersection syndrome is caused by fast and tedious wrist movements. The syndrome affects the wrist and the forearm, resulting in arm pains.

Kienbock’s Disease
Kienbock’s disease is characterized by stiffness, swelling and pain that can occur in your wrists. It usually is the result of an injury, causing the arm/s to pain. 

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs in and around the palm. The carpal tunnel is a small passageway that’s bound by bones and ligaments. The syndrome is usually associated with hours and hours of typing on a keyboard but can also occur due to other reasons. The carpal tunnel protects a nerve and nine tendons that help you bend your fingers. When you indulge in activities that strain this nerve you are likely to get the syndrome characterized by numbness and pain. Effective treatment can help heal the pain.

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