Lunch can be so much more fun than a boring peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Plough through this article for ideas on what to eat for lunch.

What To Eat For Lunch

For some people, lunch can easily make for the most important meal of the day, and sometimes even the biggest meal of the day. This is mostly because of the fact that most people tend to unhealthily skip breakfast and more than make up for the lost calories while having lunch. Lunches shouldn’t really be about making up for the eating missed in the morning, or eating big to ‘work harder’ for the rest of the day. Believe it or not, but it actually is possible to have a lunch that is healthy, tasty and filling. Once you make up your mind to do so, the options at your behest are simply endless. Here, lunch need not necessarily be about fatty burgers, nauseating pizzas or chicken fried in fat. Lunch in fact can be more about health, nutrition, taste and feeling good. Take the time and read on to gain access to ideas on what to make for lunch. 

Ideas For Lunch 

If you are looking to stay away from rice, but still want something that can fill you up the right way, soup is the way to go. Soup can easily make for one of the safest culinary options when it comes to eating right at lunch. To have just soup for lunch can be extremely demotivating for those people who are accustomed to having lunches that comprise cuisines from almost all corners of the world. For these people, there’s always the option of having bread along with their soup. Bread however is best had when brown, in other words whole wheat or any other grainy bread is the way to go. As far as soups go, the options are really endless, but for best results there are two things that you have put in to practice. Firstly, avoid having soup that has butter as one of its chief ingredients, and secondly try having soup that’s more of a broth and less of a soup. 

Hold on, before you come to any erroneous conclusions, sandwiches here do not stand for the monotonous ‘Peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches’. Sandwiches really are a lot more than peanut butter and jelly, cheese, butter and mayonnaise. You in fact can have a quite a feel-good sandwich without any of these ingredients. When putting together a sandwich it is important to think roast chicken, lean meat, farm fresh vegetables and whole grain bread. As long as all of these ingredients are as fresh as the morning dew on grassy meadows, you are guaranteed to get for yourself a healthy and filling sandwich. 

For some people, rice is as good as their daily bread. For these people, no meal is complete without a portion of rice. The problem here however does not lie in the rice, but in the portion of the same. Unless it’s brown or unpolished rice, inhuman quantities of rice can just not suffice for health. If you must have white rice, you can by all means do so, but just ensure that you don’t have a granary or two of the same. However, when keeping in mind the constraints or requirements of health; it really doesn’t get better than brown or unpolished rice. 

Salads sans fatty dressings literally translate to health. Most people falsely believe that salads can’t fulfill purposes of tickling the taste buds, however the opposite can hold true with a well made salad. Some people also falsely believe that salads are all about the vegetables, when in fact some of the best salads can be made with fruits. To become a professional at making both healthy and tasty salads it is advisable to buy yourself books containing salad recipes or look up the internet. 

Chapatis made from wheat, with less or no oil and had along with a ‘curry’ can easily pass for one of the healthiest lunches that do the rounds in both offices and educational institutions. Chapatis are healthier than rice and at times, if made properly, can be tastier than rice too. Making chapattis however is an art that one can only get better at with practice and discouraged. So don’t be discouraged if your chapattis don’t come out as soft and tasty as your colleague’s at work. In time and with practice, you are bound to become an expert at making chapati.

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