People have their own set of notions as regards a topic, like Global Warming. Check out the facts and what actually causes Global Warming.

Causes of Global Warming

Global warming is essentially the increase in the earth’s average temperature. As per scientific studies, the world would be completely swayed by its affect by 2100. Scientists, studying the subject, share the opinion that human activities, primarily the emancipation of green house gases from smokestacks, vehicles and flaming forests, are the leading causes for global warming. It is because of the increasing global warming that the temperature is rising all over the world. A quite noticeable trend in the warming of the temperature had started way back in the 1900s. This is because around this time the deforestation of the dense forests all over the world started to take place. And further to this the dawn of industrial revolution added profusely to the increasing pollutants in the environment. The global warming is also connected to the increase in the number of draughts and floods in the recent years. This is because it has directly influenced the change in rain patterns. More and more polar habitants are losing their natural habitat because the ice caps are melting due to increased heat in the atmosphere. There is a big migration that has taken place due to increasing temperature––the migration of diseases that only used to hit the warm countries before like malaria, typhoid, etc. Besides this, there are many more facts that throw light on the topic.
Facts /Causes of Global Warming
  • The emission of green house gases is the strongest factor which is contributing to the ghastly disorder of global warming. Green house gases, such as, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide etc. are contributed mainly by human activities.
  • Power plants are the major source of carbon dioxide, emitted by burning of fossil fuels. The production of electricity from the coal releases an enormous amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In fact the most amount of carbon dioxide is emitted during the production of the electrical energy and with the flooding of markets with new and extra savvy electronic gadgets the need to produce more and more electricity is increasing, which means our dependence on burning coal to produce energy is also increasing since we have not yet properly come to terms with using alternative energy sources.
  • About 20% of carbon dioxide in the environment comes from gasoline, burnt in vehicles’ engines. With an increase in the population all through the world, the demand for cars is increasing. We are tipping off the balance since our demands are way more than what we naturally have in the context of fossil fuels. Although we are trying to develop eco-friendly cars and other modes of transportations but it is still not preferred over the conventional mechanism of vehicles.
  • Be it for residential or commercial purposes, construction of buildings requires a lot of fuel to be burnt. It releases great amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which ultimately results in warming.
  • Deforestation, which is actually cutting and burning of forests, is another reason for global warming. Fewer trees indicate less carbon dioxide conversion to oxygen. Moreover, human beings are emitting carbon dioxide at a much faster rate than plants can absorb. Also more and more wood is used as fuel which results in the cutting of more trees than we can afford to lose.
  • Being the powerful trap of heat, Methane is 20 times more dangerous than carbon dioxide. Therefore it is considered as a crucial contributor in increasing the global warming. In the rice paddies high amount of methane is produced by the breakage of the organic matter under the conditions which are deprived of oxygen, also known as anaerobic decomposition. Even the herbivorous animals are responsible of producing methane. The anaerobic decomposition takes place in their intestines. Therefore, with more and more rearing of the livestock, more and more methane is released in the environment.
  • There is another source with which more and more methane is produced. It is called methane clathrate. It is the methane trapped in the crystal structure of ice. Therefore, the melting of the arctic seabed due to global warming ends up increasing more global warming––the trapped methane is released in the environment due to the melting of the ice.
  • Use of fertilizers, cars with catalytic converters, and burning of organic matter, also leads to emission of gas like nitrous oxide that ultimately acts as a heat trap. Also, the high nitrate level in groundwater caused by over-fertilization is a big concern to human health.
  • All these gases, whether carbon dioxide or methane, persist for years in the atmosphere, implying that even if such discharge is abolished now, it would not right away stop global warming.
  • Concentration of water vapors has been tremendously augmented by industrialization, deforestation, and pollution. Since water vapor structures 60% of the greenhouse gases, it is also related to global warming.
  • In the future, warming could become unmanageable the increase in temperatures could release other greenhouse gases by releasing methane in permafrost and undersea deposits, emancipating carbon trapped in sea ice and causing augmented evaporation of water.

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