Ever wondered how many types of ticks exist? Find out what are the most commonly found ticks in the world.

Types Of Ticks

All set for exploring the unexplored terrains with your canine companion? Packed your shoes, extra pair of socks, mosquito repellent, deodorant and your dog coat? You seem to be ready for the trek, but wait, are you ready for the ticks? Yeah, the tiny blood-sucking creatures, mostly misconceived as insects, actually belong to the family of spiders and scorpions. You didn’t know about that, did you? Never mind! Help is at hand. Ticks are blood-sucking arthropods, which infest birds, cattle and especially dogs. They are of basically two types—hard ticks and soft ticks. Ironically, soft ticks have tough skins and are more of a menace, owing to their higher need of feeding. They are found in caves and nests. Hard ticks have a hard shield on their back and feed on the blood of mammals like humans, wild and domestic animals. Though tiny, even microscopic at times, their bites can be deadly. So, never forget to carry some kerosene and a pair of tweezers with you, for that’s the way to deal with these little menaces. In the following lines, we have mentioned the different kinds of ticks. Knowledge of the types would help you deal with these menaces in a better way!
Different Kinds Of Ticks
American Dog Tick (Dermacentor Variabilis)
As the name suggests, these are the ticks that attack dogs in particular. Adult ticks feed on dogs and larger animals, while the larvae feed on mice. Their bite can cause Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tick paralysis.
Brown Dog Tick (Rhipicephalus Sanguineus)
Commonly found in Arizona, these ticks derive their name from their reddish-brown color. They most commonly infect canines and are commonly found in houses and kennels.
Gulf Coast Tick (Amblyomma Maculatum)
The larvae of these ticks feed on birds, while adult ticks attach themselves to the ears of cattle and deer. They can also crawl upon human body and give nasty bites.Gulf coast ticks have a unique tendency of detecting vibrations of carbon dioxide from a passing host, by merely waving their legs in the air. To remove this tick from a dog’s fur or human skin, pour a little kerosene over it and then pull it with a firm grasp of tweezers.
Lone Star Tick (Amblyomma Americanum)
They get the name from the silvery spot that female ticks have on them. They grow on humans and are known to prevent the growth of the body part they infest. Their sting penetrates deep into the pores causing pus sores.
Black Legged Tick (Ixodes Scapularis)
Predominantly found along trails, paths and roadways, these ticks mostly attack wandering cattle or travelers. Black legged ticks are vectors for meningoencephalitis and Lyme disease in humans.
Relapsing Fever Tick (Ornithodoros Turicata)
Commonly found in rat and mouse habitats, these ticks can cause relapsing fever in humans. It is due to this nature that they are thus named.
Moose Ticks, Winter Ticks Or Elk Ticks (Dermacentor Albipictus)
This type of tick infects moose, caribou, elk and cattle and remains attached to the host throughout his/her lifecycle. These ticks, though not known to transmit diseases in their host, can cause severe infestation which may lead to death of the animal due to emaciation. These ticks are not known to cause any diseases in humans.
Castor Bean Tick Or Sheep Tick (Ixodes Ricinus)
These ticks are hard bodied and act as vectors for meningoencephalitis and Lyme disease in humans. They can also cause louping ill in sheep.
Southern Cattle Tick (Boophilus Microplus)
This tick, as the name suggests, is prevalent in south west countries and mainly attacks sheep, goats and gorses. It transmits severe diseases in the cattle and an over-infection leads to death of the host. It may not have any direct impact on humans, but causes severe losses to the cattle industry and has more of an economic impact.
Common Fowl Ticks (Argas Radiatus Raillet)
These poultry attacking ticks are also called blue bugs or blue ticks. They injure chickens and also attack humans causing flu-like symptoms in them.

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