There are thousands of molds that are lurking in and around your home, causing several health disorders. Learn about a few of them by browsing this article.

Types Of Mold

Mold is everywhere. Even the tiny spores that you release in the air contain thousands of molds. And there is no escape from coming in contact with molds. They are in our homes and outdoors. They encounter us each day. All that they need is moisture, food, and time to grow. They are living organisms belonging to the fungi family, which also include mildew, rust, yeasts, and mushrooms. They are as important as oxygen to us and as destructive as the worse biological nightmare ever dreamt of. Over 100,000 genera of mold are known to humans today, of which around 80 genera are known to cause some form of illness. But, only a fraction of them are considered to be highly toxic, causing harmful problems and diseases. Learn about some kinds of molds by surfing through the following lines.
Different Kinds Of Mold
Commonly known as ‘black mold’ or ‘toxic black mold’, stachybotrys molds grow on areas that are exposed to very wet or high humid conditions for several days or weeks. These molds generally cultivate on high cellulose materials, such as wood, wicker, hay, paper, and cardboard. Human beings who come in contact with stachybotrys molds are likely to show symptoms of dermatitis, pain and inflammation of mucous membranes, burning sensation in nasal passages, tightness of the chest, cough, nose bleeding, fever, headache, and fatigue.
The most common household mold, Aspergillus has been classified into over 185 species, of which 22 species are known to cause serious human illnesses. Of them all, Aspergillus fumigatus is the most isolated species followed by Aspergillus flavus. Found in almost any place, be it home or office, most of these molds are either allergens or toxic. They are known to cause several respiratory disorders and infections of the ear and eye.
There are more than 30 species of Cladosporium, the most common of them being C. elatum, C. herbarum, C. sphaerospermum, and C. cladosporioides. These fungi cause various health problems, such as skin lesions, keratitis, nail fungus, sinusitis, asthma, and pulmonary infections.
These fast-growing soil molds are most commonly found in air conditioning systems and ducting. These are distinguished by whitish to grayish color, with usually thick growth. Mucor is one of the many molds that are responsible for the occurrence of zygomycosis disease.
Penicillin is a mold that grows on almost any surface and place, but is most frequently found in soil, food, grains, paint, carpet, wallpaper, interior fiberglass duct insulation, and rotting vegetation. The most common species found include P. chrysogenum, P. citrinum, P. janthinellum, P. marneffei, and P. purpurogenum. People suffering from immunosuppressed disorders are most likely to catch Penicillium infections. This mold is known to cause health diseases, such as hypersensitive pneumonitis, allergic alveolitis, and asthma. However, this mold finds itself a significant place in food processing and as an antibiotic for treating various infections.
If any of your members are suffering from regular vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea, know that your home is surrounded by a fungus called Acremonium. The potent mycotoxins produced by such molds gradually damage the immune system, organs, bone marrow, and mental abilities of individuals. Further, they are recognized by their horrible and atrocious smell that they emit.

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