Physical and mental changes help in recognizing cocaine abuse. If you want to know how to recognize cocaine abuse, read the article given below.

Recognizing Cocaine Abuse

Usually, drug abuse is referred to the chronic or habitual usages of any chemical substance to alter the state of body or mind. The drug is usually taken for other than medical purposes. An addiction to any such drug signifies that the person becomes either physically or psychologically dependent on them. This leads to an overdose of the drug, ruining the person’s physical as well as mental health. Some examples of addictive drugs are heroin, crack, librium and cocaine. Before resorting to treatment, it is necessary to recognize the problem and to encourage the addict to seek help. Now, if you are clueless about recognizing drug abuse, given below are symptoms and signs of the same.
How to Recognize Cocaine Addiction
  • A constantly runny nose is an indication towards cocaine addiction.  Snorting cocaine can lead to rhinitis, which signifies inflammation of the nasal membranes. In case of over-addiction people can suffer nosebleeds or even a loss of their sense of smell.
  • Prominent fluctuations in mood and energy levels are widely seen in cocaine addicts. During a high, an addict experiences a rush characterized by hyperactive tendencies, euphoria, fidgetiness and increased heartbeat. However, cocaine abuse alters the brain's ability to register pleasure by any other means thereby forcing one to increase the doses of drug. In effect, the usage of drug leads to an equally powerful low, featuring irritability, lethargy and depression.
  • Sleeping disorder is a major problem in cocaine addicts. Thus, cocaine addiction can lead to insomnia and even oversleeping.
  • Paranoia and psychosis can also be caused by cocaine drug. Persistent usage of cocaine can make the addict become paranoid and anxiety-ridden. Hallucination and psychotic episodes can also be caused.
  • Cocaine users tend to have a high libido, but cocaine abuse can also cause erectile dysfunction and impotence.
  • Compulsive tooth grinding, also known as ‘bruxism’ is also an attribute exhibited by cocaine addicts. This is a nervous tendency, which commonly occurs due to smoking cocaine.
  • Smoking cocaine may lead to shortness of breath due to lung damage. As cocaine raises the heart rate to keep enough oxygen pumping through the veins, an addict often feels short of breath.
  • Hot and cold flashes are another common feature of cocaine abuse as it lowers the ability to regulate body temperature.
  • Weight loss is yet another visible sign of cocaine addiction as it acts as an appetite suppressant to an extent, where some addicts ultimately suffer from malnutrition.
  • Many cocaine addicts inject the drug intravenously and typically have a track of needle pricks on the forearm.

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