Plank Exercises are effective in strengthening your muscles and reducing lower back pain. Read the article below to know more on different types of plank exercises.

Plank Exercise

Even the slightest trace of back pain can spell great agony for you. If ignored, the pain can aggravate. This can leave you with a feeling of being severely handicapped. The back is vital for most ordinary activities like sitting, sleeping, walking or bending. While exercising, however, the back often tends to be overlooked. This results in a weakening of the spine muscles, hence the pain. While you diligently work out to burn calories and reduce flab, you must take due care also to exercise your abdominal muscles to strengthen them. This can help prevent, reduce and even eliminate back pain. Your fight should be against flab, but never your muscles. This is because abdominal muscles not only bolster your spine but they are also the spine’s primary defence against gravity. Lack of adequate abdominal exercise can result in a shortening of muscles. This disturbs the alignment of the spine, causing back pain. People who have an appropriate exercise regimen feel more flexible and hardly ever experience back pain. This is because stretching exercises lengthen their muscles and keep the spinal alignment intact. An effective way to strengthen your abdominal muscles and reduce back pain is a daily routine of plank exercises. Different types of plank exercises not only tone up abdominal muscles but also help in stabilizing and strengthening your core, to boot. The core includes the abdominal and pelvic regions. So, relieve your back pain by trying out various types of plank exercises mentioned below. 
Types Of Plank Exercises

Plank Pose
Balance on your elbows and toes on the mat while keeping your body in a straight line. Your back should be absolutely straight. Pull in your belly button towards your spine. If your back tends to arch, lift your hips slightly higher in the air. Initially, during the first few days you may find that your body starts to shake. This happens because of weak muscles. Gradually, as your body stops shaking, hold the exercise for 30 seconds or more. Keep breathing while you hold the plank pose.
Plank Pose Leg Lift
Plank pose leg lift is a variation of the plank pose but with an additional challenge. Start with the plank pose. While you pull your belly button towards your spine, lift your right leg around 6-8 inches above the ground. If you are keen to have a toned body, squeeze your gluteal muscles (those in the butts) while doing this exercise. Get back to the plank pose and repeat the exercise by lifting the left leg up. Repeat the plank pose leg lift for at least 3-5 times on each side.
Plank Pose Twist
This exercise strengthens not only the abdominal muscles, but also the oblique muscles. Take the plank pose exercise position. Lift your right leg and bend at the knee. Slightly twist the trunk and reach the knee towards your hip. Repeat with your other leg after returning to the plank pose position.
Side Plank
Lie on your side with the right elbow on the ground. With your right arm straight and your left arm on your side, lift yourself up to form a plank. Side plank targets the abdomen, back and hip muscles. Hold this position and repeat with the other side.
Stability Ball Plank
The use of stability ball for plank exercises adds intensity to your workout. Support your body weight with your chest and forearms both on the ball and toes on the floor. This is how you get into the plank pose with the help of a ball. Slowly, try to lift your chest off the ball. This way the upper body weight gets supported by your forearms. Contract your abdominals while keeping the back straight. Try holding these exercise positions for 30-60 seconds after overcoming the initial hiccups.

Note: Always use exercise mat for doing plank exercises.

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