Parent-teacher conference is very important for the development of a child. Go through the article, to get some tips for successful parent teacher meeting.

Parent Teacher Conference Tips

A good relationship between parents and teachers is vital for the healthy development of the child. While parents are the first tutors of a child, teachers take up the job further ahead, by educating the child academically and also leading to his/her personality development, at school. Both, parents and teachers need to have shared goals for the improvement of the child as well as to bring out the best in him/her. It is extremely important to be open minded in parent-teacher conference, as this would allow the exchange of ideas and information needed for the progress of the child. In the following lines, we have provided tips for a successful parent teacher conference.
Tips For Successful Parent Teacher Meeting
For Parents 
  • For a successful parent teacher conference, you should ask your child whether he/she wants anything specific to be discussed with the teacher. He might be facing problems at school that he feels awkward to discuss with his teacher.
  • Make a list of things you want to ask the teacher in relation to your child. Many-a-times, it is noticed that parents forget some of the important questions that they have been thinking about, since a long time.
  • Make sure you are not late for the meeting. It will reflect very poorly on the teacher, especially in terms of your being a responsible adult.
  • Start on a positive note. This can be related to your child or his/her teacher or the activities of the school, practically anything.
  • Do not waste time discussing things that are least important to you or of no use in the development of your child.
  • The teacher might point out some of the areas in which your child is lacking. Be open to criticism and accept it. Remember, what she is saying is for the betterment of your child
  • Do not get emotional in case the teacher lists out the weaknesses of your child. Instead, be rational and mark her words carefully.
  • Make sure you jot down whatever the teacher has said, especially his/her advice. This would help in the improvement and advancement of the child in future.
  • Lastly, do not forget to express appreciation and admiration to the teachers for arranging such a meeting. 
For Teachers 
  • Let the parents know about the meeting in advance. Give them a brief on what you want to discuss with them - be it their child's homework, his attitude towards school or specific subjects or his likes and dislikes.
  • Start with a positive comment. Thank them for coming and praise one good quality in their child. This would make them more attentive.
  • Give the parents the school's policy of working. Let them know about the routines, rules and homework policies.
  • Once you have established a rapport with the parents, let them know the areas where their child needs to improve or work upon. It can be his reading or learning capability or his weakness in mathematics.
  • Do not talk about the child in a derogatory way, whatever naughty things he might have done. Instead, give the parents the possible solutions to their child's problem.
  • Lastly, show appreciation for the efforts taken by the parents in coming for the meeting and also express that you value their presence.

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