The two-eyed friend that sits right on your nose doesn’t seem to be a big bother, unless you are scheduled to attend an evening party or a prom night. Does a situation like this often get you wondering and wishing on how to primp your peepers? If yes, then know that you are not the only one. Most women who wear glasses often get cold-feet at the idea of preening their eyes for the fear of looking garish, with almost all of them simply choosing to shrug off the idea of primping their eyes at all. Wearing eye glasses doesn’t necessarily have to mean that your peepers go bare on makeup. While it is almost impossible to wish away those glasses, more so if you have a 20/20 vision, you can definitely add on some extra charm to your framed eyes with the right stroke of make-up. Agreed, eyeglass robs off much attention from your face, but how much impression it draws largely depend on the kind of frames you choose to flaunt. Right makeup will ensure that your eyes don’t take a backseat, while your specs still steal the show! Here are some simple tips to consider while doing your eyes. Read on to flaunt a gorgeous you!

Image: MIKI Yoshihito (´???)@flickr
Makeup Tips For Girls With Eyeglasses
- One of the most common beauty blunders one usually tends to commit to compensate for their covered peepers is to overdo their eyes. Most often, we are swayed with the idea that more is less, when it comes to decking up your framed eyes. However, it is a beauty crime that might end up, making you look over the top. Eyeglasses tend to highlight everything, right from excess makeup to tiniest smudge. So be balanced with the brushes and colors.
- Before you get on to glam your peepers, pause to consider the frame. Loud eye makeup is an absolute no-no if you wear thick, bold, bright frames. Stick to mute tones like peaches, cream and sands. However, for more delicate looking rimless eyewear, you can go for a dramatic look and jazz up your peepers with tones of gray and bronze.
- No matter what you do and which makeup you wear, nothing kills an impression better than tired looking, dark-circled eyes, a problem that gets more pronounced with glasses. Thus, it is important to primp up your peepers with a good concealer to camouflage the flaws and dark circles. Concealer not only guises the blemishes, but also brightens up the eyes, making one look more attractive than ever.
- Eye shadows add maximum appeal to your peepers and what shade you choose and how you wear it often plays a decisive role on how you look. Keep the shade neutral, if you wear heavy, chunky frames. Avoid shimmer or frosty shadows since they tend to get more reflected. Apply the eyeshade in a thin stroke over the liner taking care not to exceed the eye length. You can add shades of blue, green and pink if you like to play with colors. Keep the strokes light to avoid making a glaring fashion statement.
- It’s important to line your eyes rightly to make an impression. Avoid making too big or too small lines, as these usually tend to be too overblown or totally irrelevant. Outline your lids with a thin stroke of eye pencil and then smudge it for heightened effect. However, it is important to keep the line close to the lids for maximum appeal.
- Mascara adds volume and definition to one’s eyes and often a wrong stroke of wand can mar the way you look, more so if you sport a glass. Coat your lashes with two brush of mascara for the best effect. If you have big eyes or thick glasses, it is best to avoid mascara altogether. It’s wise to go with voluminous mascara that boosts your lashes than the ones meant to lengthen it.
- Add a final touch with a light hued lip color or lip gloss for a pretty look. When using lip liner, keep the lines soft as thick lines will make your lips more pronounced, making your face look messy.