Your bathroom sink is bunged and you are just not able to unclog it. Don’t worry. Go through this article and find tips for unclogging a bathroom sink.

How To Unclog A Bathroom Sink

A clean and shimmering bathroom appeals to one and all. But when you notice your bathroom sink to drain slowly, it simply indicates that a major problem is waiting for you unless you mend it at the earliest. Clogging of bathroom sinks can be due to various reasons, such as excessive hair, shaving, dried toothpaste, soap, debris, and other gooey stuff. If the slow draining is not fixed immediately, your bathroom sink can be blocked completely only to cause leakage in other parts of your bathroom and pipe connections in the wall. Unlike kitchen sinks, bathroom sinks tend to get clogged more frequently due to the absence of hot water that dissolves all the debris and greasy stuff in kitchens. In order to avoid such painful and chaotic circumstances, it is best to unclog the sink and keep it flowing properly. Find ways to unclog a bathroom sink by following the tips given herein.
Unclogging Bathroom Sink
Using Boiling Water
Boiling water serves as one of the best solutions in case your bathroom sink is partially blocked. Simply boil water and pour it into the bathroom sink. See how the greasy water drags down the sink leaving back an unclogged sink. However, be careful with pipes that are sensitive to heat, such as PVC pipes. In such a case, use hot water and not boiling water.
Using Baking Soda & Vinegar
Clearing a clogged sink using baking soda and vinegar is a popular method. Pour half a cup of baking soda down the sink. Next, pour one cup of vinegar into the bathroom sink. Wait for 30 minutes and pour hot water into the sink. The grease and debris will be cleared by the soda and vinegar, while the hot water will remove any gunk stuck to the inner surface of the pipe. Give it a try to see it working!
Using A Plunger
There are two types of plungers: the cup plunger and the flange plunger. The cup plunger is mostly used for working in sinks, lavatories, and tubs, while the flange plunger is specially designed for toilet use. Further, for sanitary uses, you wouldn’t want to mix up the two kinds. Pick up a small cup plunger to avoid water from splashing over you. Pour water in the sink and place the plunger on the drain. Pour in more water until the plunger head is fully immersed in water. Plunge vigorously for 10-15 times and clean up the debris that you obtain in the sink. Thereafter, pour some hot water.
Manual Cleaning
If your bathroom sink is strongly clogged, then unclogging the pipe manually would be the best method. Using a pipe wrench, remove the pipe of the sink from the drain. Take a cloth hanger and shape one end in the form of a hook using pliers. Carefully holding the other edge, pass the wire inside the pipe towards the position of the clog. Start pulling the clog until you have removed all the trash from the pipe. Dispose off the entire gunk and clean the pipe thoroughly by pouring hot water into the sink.

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