Taking a power nap helps to promote mental alertness and increase productivity, provided it is done correctly. Explore this article to know the tips on how to take a power nap.

How To Power Nap

A power nap is a short nap, usually taken in the middle of the day, to reinvigorate you for the rest of the day. Power naps are not like a regular sleep and last for 10 to 30 minutes. These short naps are meant for people who remain too much engrossed in their work, providing them with a fresh burst of ideas and energy. They can be taken at any place where you can relax fully, such as a couch, a car, a bed and even on the floor. The key to power napping is that the place must be physically and mentally comfortable. Power naps help to reduce stress, increase alertness and productivity, improve memory and learning and boost your creativity. Read on to know the tips on how to power nap.
Taking A Power Nap
Find The Right Place
There are companies allow their employees to take a nap at work and some employers even provide a place for the same. In case you don’t have any such provision, trying sleeping in your own car. In case you want to have a power nap while driving, park your car in a rest area and doze off. Remember to turn off the car and put on the emergency brakes. While taking a power nap at nighttime, park your car in a well-lit area with people around, but make sure to lock all your doors. Turn on the parking lights.
Have Caffeine
Although caffeine is a stimulant, it will not react immediately. It takes time to travel through your gastro-intestinal tract, thus giving you enough time to power nap. Consume caffeine right before you take a 20-minute nap. This will improve your performance and reduce your drowsiness once you wake up. Do not take caffeine late in the afternoon; else, you will find hard to fall asleep later on.
Set the Alarm
In case you are likely to fall asleep immediately after consuming caffeine, set the alarm for 20 minutes while you are close to finishing your drink. If you are in the habit of pressing the “snooze” button and going back to sleep, place your alarm across the room so that you have to get up to put it off. After having caffeine, close your eyes and relax.
Feel Relaxed
In case you are unable to fall asleep, close your eyes and try to meditate. You can also play some CDs that are designed with a special soundtrack to induce a sleepy state. When your alarm goes off after 20 minutes, the caffeine will kick in and help you feel awake as it blocks adenosine, the neurotransmitter that promotes fatigue.
Wake Up With the Alarm
Do not sleep for more than 30 minutes; else, it will affect your productivity. Power napping for half an hour can lead to sleep inertia, making you feel sluggish and tired. After getting up, do some physical exercises to have a good blood circulation. You can do jumping jacks, push-ups or a bit of jogging. Wash your face and expose yourself to bright light, to feel awake and refreshed.
  • To avoid distractions, turn off your mobile phone. In case you find the surrounding noise distracting, put on your headphones with some relaxing music.
  • While napping during the day, you can put on sunglasses or an eye mask to avoid the bright light that is inhibiting your ability to sleep and simulate darkness.

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