Making and personalizing a photo album is interesting and enjoyable! This article gives you some tips on how to make a photo album.

How To Make A Photo Album

One of the greatest ways of organizing your memories is by means of a photo album. Memories range from as long as you can remember to the current day. Every day is a passing remembrance. Photo albums are made in such a way that you can reminisce about your childhood, wedding, special days and old age. Buying a photo album doesn’t take more than a minute, but making one all by yourself gives your recollections a personal touch. You need a little bit of creativity, resources and materials and, of course, a moderate amount of time! Even if you want to gift this low cost personalized/ handmade album, it is always more cherished than the ones available in the markets. As the famous saying goes – it’s the thought that matters! If you are truly enthused about making this picture book, then look no further as this article gives you a deeper insight into the tips!
Making A Photo Album

Things Required

  • Ring Binders
  • Fabric
  • Poster Board
  • Fabric Paints
  • Ribbon, Glitter, Beads, Pearls, Buttons
  • Spray Glue
  • Photos
  • Coloured Paper
  • Photo Pages
  • Old Magazines
  • Scissors
  • Sewing Needle
  • Consider a theme for the album such as retro, fairytales, contrasting colours, black and white, wedding theme, school style or a totally glamorous approach. This would depend on the occasion.
  • Next, choose the fabric that goes with the event you are making it for. If you are doing it just to while away your time then you have more to choose from! For example, if it is a wedding album, pick white or red satin. If it is a scrapbook for friends, then pick lace.
  • Cut the fabric to fit into the binder by laying the binder flat on the fabric. Use a pair of scissors to cut the excess cloth and secure the remaining fabric with spray glue. Make sure you smoothen out the fabric on the binder to avoid any gaps or sags. Let the glue dry.
  • After gluing the exterior of the binder, fold the excess fabric inside and tighten the flaps. Now, cut the poster board to a size smaller on each side than the cover and hide the fabric in it. Again, use a thin layer of glue to secure the poster board to the cover and fabric flaps.
  • It’s time to decorate! This is the best part of the plan. Using ribbons, fabric paint, glitter, buttons, lace, pearls, beads, coloured paper, sequins, cut outs etc personalize the exterior. You can even draw and colour if you wish. Make sure you lay the design out before attaching it to the album cover fabric.
  • A simple tip to photo album makers is trying to keep in mind that it is an album book, not a canvas! Keep it simple and de-cluttered.
  • Collect all your photos together and have a well laid out plan of arranging them.  Next, arrange the photo in pages that you need to attach with glue or, alternatively, stitch. You will have quite a blast decorating these pages too – with letters, images, cropped photos, edited pictures etc. Laying out the pages also requires some skill!
  • When you are fully satisfied with your artwork, let the pages dry till they are in a condition to move around. Another option you can use is, first stick photos onto your album and then paste them into the book.
  • Sign off with some witty lines or a message and your signature at the back of the album.
Now, creating a handmade photo album could never be simpler! Use some of these ideas and impress the world!

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