Looking good is not really good enough these days. When everything today is bold and sexy, then why not add some oomph to the way you look as well. Gone are the days when the girl-next-door look was considered in and adorable; we live in the time and era where to stand out has become more of a necessity than a choice. Trust us; you do not want to be standing next to a girl with an x-factor, with your plain Jane looks. Everybody pays attention to what catches their eyes and the ‘hot’ look is one style that will pull all the attention towards you. Let us be honest, who does not want to be hot and sexy? If not all the time, then every girl wants to be a hot and scintillating diva, once in a while. Well, it is only natural! Look at all the celebrities; they wear all that oomph and charisma with natural panache. You can have that too; after all, these celebrities are also regular girls just like yourself. But what sets them apart is their characteristic confident and grace with which these girls carry their oomph. You absolutely need to exhibit same confidence if you aim at looking hot. The good news is, you do not have to be born with this grace and charm, you can very well cultivate it. Practice confidence, it is the real oomph factor. Practice it until it becomes your very own attitude. No woman, not even the big Hollywood starlets and ramp models are born without insecurities. But the difference lies in the fact that these girls work hard and smart and come out of their shells to shine bright. Having said that, none of this is still possible without a little aid of a hairstyle or dark eyes or red lips; we all need the tools. That is were the real fun lies; how to play with different elements and create for yourself an irresistible hot look. We are here just for that. With these simple pointers, you can look hot and sexy so keep reading.

Tips For Looking Hot
Ultra Feminine Fabrics
Part of looking hot is looking sensually feminine, without any inhibitions. Does not matter if you are skinny or curvy; whatever unique physical attribute you have, flaunt it! Do not hide anything about yourself; if shoulders are your favorite aspect of you then show it off or if your oomph lies in your legs, do not hide them behind those bulky jeans anymore. According to your body style, design your clothes. Women with long legs are bound to wear a short and sultry dress and women with beautiful-long torso should wear a short top with low-fit jeans. The idea is to hide what you want to hide and show off in all its glamour, whatever you want to be seen. One sure shot way to look hot is to wear feminine fabrics. These include delicate laces, flowy satin, ultra soft jorjet; these fabrics ensure that a woman looks romantically seducing.
Big Eyes
If you aspire to look hot then start playing with you eyes make up. Make your eyes stand out on your face. Smokey eyes are a hit these days. It gives an over-all mysterious look and we all know how sexy is mysterious. Men are generally attracted to women with big eyes because with dark and big eyes, each of your expression and look will seem larger than life and men like women with expressive eyes.
Pouty Red Lips
What can be more seducing than a mouth on a flame! Choose the brightest of the reds and plump up your lips. Nothing looks sexier than a beautiful pout on a beautiful face. You need not be born with natural full lips; it is alright if you have thin ones. But, with brighter lipstick shades and shiny glosses you can make your lips seem more than they actually are. If you put on a sexy red shade on your lips, you will notice that everyone will be so enamored by you that whenever you will speak, their attention will be stuck to your lips.
Cleavage Careful
There is no harm in showing off a little cleavage; after all, it is your asset. But be careful to not be distasteful with it. If you show a little bit of it, then it invites curiosity. But, if you just show it off full throttle then it might not be appreciated as much as you think. With the bold attributes of your body you need caution and right fashion sense. Doing too much of something may spoil all your efforts and make you look less like a diva and more like an attention seeker.
Messy Hair
Messy look in hairstyles is a big thing these days. It is easy to make and transforms your look. Messy hair says that you are sassy and playful. If you want to look hot then you have got to learn to start being less careful with your hair and make up. You have to be more experimentative. Messy hair gives the feel of bedroom hair, like you did not put much effort into it and it just naturally flows down on your shoulders. You can pull it all on one side and keep your head a bit tilted while talking to someone. It will make you look flirty and sexy at the same time.
Smell Like A Dream
It is absolutely imperative that you smell wonderful. This is what will attract people to you when they can not see you and it will compel them to turn around and look at you. You have got to find a sexy fragrance that goes with your personality. Spray it all over you, a bit on your hair, a little bit on your clutch or purse and on all your accessories. Everything that you own should smell similar and try and always wear the same fragrance, people will start associating you with it. Everywhere you go, people will know that you are around. What is more scintillating than that? Subtle aromas like vanilla, rose and jasmine are sexier than loud ones.
Unique Aspect
Wear some unique accessory to compliment the whole look. This will bring in the quirky factor to your look. May be an unusual pair of shoes or an African art work clutch with a very modern dress; give your look something to quirkily stand out. The idea is to look apart.
High Heels
It is a must! You can never-ever be able to look sexy without a pair of high and sexy pumps. It gives your walk a sexy spring, makes your posture upright and your buttocks look more round; it is designed to make you look more appealing. It makes a woman look thinner as well, as it adds up more height to you.