Whether you are high on high street vogues or swear by catwalk trends, these tips on how to look good should surely leave you looking like a million-dollar. To know more on how to look good, read on.

How To Look Good

Your date is at the door and you are still glued to your make-up concealer trying to camo your raccoonlike rings! Well, you do not really have to hide yourself behind your haute couture or heaps of makeup to look your best. While there is absolutely no short cut to cop that radiant complexion, curvaceous body and lustrous hair, a few healthy and handy tips can definitely leave you with that top-dollar look, without breaking the bank! Wonder how? Well, you don’t really have to be a fashionista or sport Gucci and Armani to blaze the town or even make quick splashes in the spa to flaunt flawless skin. Just a few healthy habits and a couple of beauty fixes can leave you feeling dainty and sexy, now and always. If you have a party or a prom night around the corner and you are clueless on how to deal with your zits and wry curls, scouring through this beauty fixes should leave you feeling pretty. To know more on how to look good, read on.
Image: geishaboy500@flickr
Looking Good Tips
Stop Being A Muffin Top!
Do you rank among those legions of obese mortals who always feel a little less than fabulous? Well, then take heart for you aren’t the only one battling a belly pudge! If you are totally freaked out about your extra pounds, then sweating it out on your exercise bikes should leave your tummy toned. Remember, skipping meals or going vegetarian isn’t really the way to go if you wish to flaunt slender curves or toned abs. So just shake off your doldrums, slip into your exercise gears and scorch your fat for a leaner, meaner, sexier you!
Get Glowing
Is the summer sun too harsh on your skin? Do stringent work hours and poor sleep leave you with dull, drab skin?  If yes, then it’s time you grab the grooming goodies and give yourself a facial. Nothing looks more sizzling than a radiant, glowing skin. Just cleanse your skin and scrub it for 30 seconds. Rinse it off with cold water and apply a thin mask. Rinse it off after five minutes and pat it dry. Slather gobs of moisturizer and under eye cream and cop a radiant complexion in an instant.
Beat You Mane Blues
Remember no amount of serum, mousse, conditioners and styling gels can add any oomph appeal to your dirty mane. Unwashed mane looks gross! So don’t forget to rinse your hair every time you step out of your home for squeaky clean, great smelling, bouncy locks. 
Right couture!
You blew away a bomb paying for those cool designer denims and now your jeans won’t zip! What to do you do? Simple, just dump the jeans in your closet and slip into something that fits you just right. Most people tend to go with a size bigger or slimmer to accentuate their figure. Result, fashion faux pas! You cannot really afford to squeeze yourself into a tube dress if stout or don on a shapeless skirt if skinny. The cue is to find your size and stick to it to T. You will be surprised on how many compliments you fetch that way.

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