To say that dressing up right for evening occasions is important, be they formal or informal, would be an understatement! Remember, you make an impression on everyone present at the do, be they near or distant family relations, acquaintances, current and prospective business clients, or associates. The desire to display yourself in the most stunning manner possible through your attire is all but natural. You have to garner attention in a way that does not make it appear as if you are bending over backwards to do so. If you are not sure about what looks good on you, seek dependable advice from your close pals or relatives. However, there is no need for you to get bogged down when it comes to making the right choice. Keeping in mind simplicity, elegance and the occasion you are choosing it for, as you preen, is worth the while in making you the cynosure for the evening! So, notch up your sartorial sensibilities a cut above the rest by trying on evening wear shopping tips given below.

Image: dunikowski@flickr
Tips On Choosing Good Evening Wear
Tips For Women
Formal wear
- One of the most stylish dresses is the halter neck or the halter dress. It highlights the face, shoulders and bust line. The knot-front halter and a tie-behind-the-neck are two of the most popular types. The width of the strap is variable. While wearing a halter dress, give your necklace a miss, and instead opt for long earrings to give a streak of glamour to your look.
- A woman’s wardrobe, they say, is incomplete without the little black dress. Cocktail dresses leave ample opportunity for add-ons. So complement the look with pearl, diamond, gold or silver accessories.
- A sheath dress is known for its simplicity. It is most suitable for women with well-rounded figures.
- For anniversary and wedding parties, the jacket dress is a good pick. A matching dress and jacket lend grace and poise to your overall look.
- For those with well-endowed bodies, don’t dress to hide your curves. Dressy separates can do the trick for you. Keep one piece special, say an embroidered jacket or a beaded skirt, and team it with a crepe, knit or jersey co-ordinate.
- An off-the-shoulder cotton or linen dress looks great by adding width to the upper half of the body. Wear it with an elegant necklace or a pair of ornate earrings and be sure to get everyone’s eyes on it. However, those with wide shoulders would do best to avoid these.
Informal Wear
- A long evening dress would serve well as informal evening wear. However, a floor length evening dress with a flowing style would also be great. Opt for dark colors rather than bright ones.
- A knee-length gown worn with stockings also makes for suitable evening wear.
Tips For Men
Formal Wear
- You can create the business casuals look by adding a blazer to a button-down shirt along with khaki pants, or a sporty coat with black jeans and a black mock turtleneck.
- A decent pair of black trousers and a shirt patterned with checks or vertical stripes will do well for formal cocktail parties.
- Pick out a fantastic suit with an elegant design, fitting and material.
- Evening outfits like tailcoats give you a sophisticated and dignified look. They also make you look slim and tall.
Informal wear
- As informal evening wear allows you to be a bit more swish, you can go for a shimmery shirt paired with black, blue or other dark colored formal trousers. A black tie and a good leather belt are suitable optional accessories for such attire.
- Wear a collared shirt with an undershirt. Knitted shirts and polo shirts are also generally acceptable. A casual sport coat is appropriate.
- You can also wear the ubiquitous jeans matched with an appropriate, classy shirt.