It is a general notion that men are courageous and brave. They can rage wars, climb the highest heights, swim the deepest oceans, fight a tiger, kill a bear just for the thrill, but when it comes to approaching the fairer sex, they show the white feather. It’s amazing to notice how much vigor men otherwise have and suddenly in front of the one they fancy, they get cold feet. It is understandable though; talking to the girl for the first time is nerve wrecking because it is not a war neither it is a fort to capture, it is about the subtle things in life, emotions. When it comes to emotions, women are the brave ones. That is because women are more comfortable around feelings and emotions, whereas men are always taught to toughen up and not be emotional about anything. When men start to feel attracted to a particular female, they start acting shy around her and some men out of discomfort, start to ignore her completely. This might not work into your favor. Women are very particular about how they are approached for the first time. This is the moment when they decide whether or not pay any special attention to you. If you play out your discomfort and show any negative reactions around her, chances are that she will think of you as someone who does not like her. These are definitely going to spoil your chances with her, for good. Having said that, it does not mean that you show her that you are head over heels about her; it is a balance that you need to learn to strike, between indifference and special attention. When you will be able to express yourself with this balance, it will become your charm because you lady interest will not be able to figure out whether you are interested in her for more than just a conversation or not. Women like to be kept on their toes; it is the chase that interests them. If you are worth the chase then they would definitely drop you the hints. She would be a little flirtatious with you, be more articulate with her expressions, more giggly and charming, will touch your arm from time to time or laugh at everything you will say. There would be a glint in her eyes that you will not be able to miss. If at all, she will not show any interest then it is not a big deal; you do not have to take it personally. It would definitely be worth a try, otherwise how will you ever know. Confidence is the key in approaching a girl for the first time and introducing yourself. In this article, we have jotted down some points for you to remember, when next time you try your luck with the fairer sex.

Introducing Yourself to a Woman
Buy Her A Drink
If you are at a restaurant or a bar, go to her and very subtly offer to buy her a drink. Women like clean and straight approach; the last thing you want to do is use a cheesy pick-up line. Just move to her and take her permission if you can buy her a drink. If she says no then back off. But, if she says no but seems interested, then linger on and have an interesting situation. From her side, this is a gesture that means that she wants to explore you but at the same time does not want you to have a wrong notion about her, that she is an easy task. You can also sit in the corner and ask the waiter/waitress to send across a drink to your interest and let her know that it is from you. And when she turns around to see who you are, simply smile.
Compliment Her
There is another good way of starting a conversation; compliment her. It is a well known fact that women love to be complimented. Do not overwhelm her with larger-than-life compliments, she might think of you as a creep. Simply tell her that you are amazed by how beautiful her smile is or she is wearing a very pretty dress or her laughter is infectious. This will make her feel special and she would know that you have been noticing her, when she was not even aware. This notion strikes as very romantic to females.
Straight Forward Approach
A simple ‘hi’ can also work. You do not need to buy her anything or say something fancy. Just be yourself and say hello to her. She would know that you are interested in her and she might like your clear approach to it. Some women are big fans of a man’s honest disposition about things. If you will not make a big show about it and just mingle with her normally, she would appreciate it.
Indirect Approach
If the girl you are interested in is talking to someone you already know, then it is your golden moment. You can just go and be the part of the conversation swiftly. The person whom you know will introduce you to your girl and your mission is accomplished. How you take it from there is completely in your control.
Offer Help
If you see the girl you are interested in, in some sort of a situation then take the opportunity in assisting her. If she is carrying anything heavy then carry it for her or if she is stuck with something then fix it for her. This way she will feel comfortable with you and it will say good things about you, like, you are empathetic. When she says thank you then keep the conversation running and ask her out for coffee.
Look For An Opportunity
If the girl works in some social area, like a shopping mall, and you can get an easy access to where she works, then hang around there a lot. Pass smile at her whenever you cross her. With you continuous visits, she would know that you like her and she wil respond back if she is into you too.