Help your dog enjoy the car ride without any uneasiness and problem, by following the right treatment and remedies. Read to learn some useful tips on how to handle car sickness of dog.

How To Handle Car Sickness Of Dog

A fluffy dog sitting and peeping out from a car’s window is a delightful sight. However, not all dogs are comfortable sitting in a car. Some of them just can’t handle the ride. For them, car rides produce a great deal of anxiety and fear. They might even face drooling, shaking and vomiting because of fear and the abruptness of the uneasy feeling. If your dog also suffers from this uneasy feeling, it will do good for you to know that it is the result of motion sickness. This motion sickness in your pet can be because of stomach problem, or just an over-reaction to the fear and apprehension from car noise and motion. Whatever be the reason, car sickness can trouble your dog a lot and it is no fun to watch your pet puke all over your car. Here are few tips to help you know how to handle car sickness in your dog.
Dog Car Sickness Treatment & Remedies
  • Get your dog used to the car environment. Share a treat with him while sitting in the car, talk to him, cuddle him, and so in. However, do not have the car running; just share a happy moment with your dog inside a stationary car. You can feed your dog inside the car or near it, if he is afraid of even entering it.
  • Get your dog used to a moving car by repeating the first step and then going in for a small drive. If he gets used to the motion of the car, take him for drives regularly. Do make sure to treat your dog after the ride is over, in appreciation for his efforts to remain calm.
  • Keep the air in the car cool enough for your dog to feel comfortable. If he is in a carrier, it will be warmer inside it, than the rest of the car. Even if your dog is not in the carrier, stress might overheat him. Therefore, it is advisable to keep the AC on, while on a ride with your pet.
  • You can resort to herbal remedies to ease nausea in your dog and to sooth his digestive system. Look for a homeopathic remedy containing zinger, menthe etc, to help your dog when he falls sick while travelling.
  • Once your dog gets used to travelling in the car, increase the distance gradually. Keep talking to him and comforting him throughout the journey. Treat and praise him before and after the ride.
  • Do not feed your dog immediately before a car trip. A meal just before the ride will make him more likely to feel queasy and sickening.
  • Make frequent stops while traveling, especially over a long distance. Stop whenever your dog feels uneasy or gets restless and uncomfortable. A nice walk at every halt will help calm his stomach. Do not speed or go round the curves too fast, as it will worsen your dog’s sickness. Some pets don’t like drinking in the car; so make your dog drink enough water to last till the next stop.
  • Try out remedies containing Aconite, Cocculus or Pulsatilla Vulgaris to deal with your dog’s anxiety or fear while travelling. These natural remedies will alleviate the symptoms gently, without having to resort to tranquilizers or medications.
  • Making your dog sit in the front seat of the car might also help control his sickness. Front seat will give him less room to move around and vomit. Make sure the windows are rolled down. Looking at things passing by can divert your pet’s attention. Fresh air will help relax his queasy stomach as well.
  • You can even provide some medicines to help your dog overcome his car sickness. Consult your vet to find out the medicine that is safe for your dog and the dosage in which it needs to be given.

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