A reducing hair line and baldness are the most visible signs of hair loss. Long, thick and shiny tresses are what women dream of and a full hair line and silky hair is what men wish to have. Nevertheless, the stressful life which we lead today, the amount of pollution we get exposed to and the unhealthy diet which we follow, all together crush our dreams of flaunting healthy, shiny and thick hair. Hair loss is a problem that has become quite common among young men and women today. Many people face this problem because of hereditary reasons, while others face this predicament due to stressful lifestyle and use of chemicals and other harmful products. Whatever might be the cause of hair fall, there is a need for an effective solution. People try different types of products, treatments and therapies to deal with hair fall problem, but to no avail. Therefore, it is a better option to resort to natural means and measures to deal with this hitch. Mentioned below are some tips on getting thick hair naturally. Read on to know how.

Image: rachel a. k.@flickr
Tips On Getting Thick Hair
‘Go natural’ is the mantra you should chant in order to make your tresses grow long and healthy. Using various beauty products on your hair daily and styling them might steal away natural oils, making them to break down. Cut down on the use of straightening irons, plastic brushes, gels, and other hair products and shift to a brush with natural bristles which will help redistribute oils throughout hair as you brush.
Avoid all the alcohol laced hair products and cut down on the use of other hair products as well. Alcohol, pollution and humidity are the chief enemies of healthy hair. Look for the ingredients of each and every hair product you purchase and avoid purchasing one with high alcohol content.
Massaging your head and scalp regularly is also one of the natural ways to get thick hair. You can heat up coconut oil and then apply it on the scalp and hair by moving in a circular motion. Coconut oil is one of the best oils that can be used for a massage; however, you can use other oils like olive oil as well. Massage the oil all over your hair and then wrap a wet hot towel around your head. This will help your scalp stay strong and that in turn will provide you with thick and shiny hair.
Following a healthy and nutritious diet is another easy method to get thick and shiny hair. The kind of food that we eat not only affects our body, but also decides the health of our hair. Food items like fruits, fresh vegetables, nuts, eggs etc are essential for us to consume in order to provide enough vitamins and minerals for the hair to grow thick and strong.
It is essential on your part to wash your hair regularly, but too much of washing can also be the cause of thin and falling hair. Washing hair every alternate day good enough for hair. Avoid washing your hair with hot water; instead use lukewarm water. This is because hot water can cause serious damage to your hair.
If you have oily hair and need regular washing, avoid using shampoos and conditioners daily. Let your hair dry naturally and avoid wrapping a towel around your hair after washing it.
Hair absorbs moisture from the environment that causes it to frizz in a humid environment. Therefore it is important that your hair is dry before you step out in the open, since water can make your hair knot.
Another easy way to get thick, healthy hair is to incorporate multivitamin supplements along with your regular diet. There are many multivitamins that accelerates hair growth and provide the required thickness by providing essential nutrients and vitamins to the body.